Thursday, October 25, 2012

Reflection on the in class essay

Now that you have experienced your first AP style in class essay:

What strategies worked and didn't work? How did you allocate your time?
 Was the content of the prompt harder or the organizaiton it took to write in a limited time period?

What were your overall thoughts/answers to the prompt? Did you annotate for juxtaposition in "Speaking of Courage"?


At 10/29/2012, Blogger Unknown said...

It was kind of horrible considering writing is a personal weakness of mine.
What I found effective was the brief attempt at the outline, as I didn't go off on a tangent nearly as much as I usually do.
But, I didn't really focus on following my outline so it was just a reminder. I didn't really base myself off of it well.
Time wise, I could have been more efficient as well. I ended up running out of time at the end (didn't write a conclusion.) because I went over the flow of the piece instead.
The prompt wasn't difficult. I just wasn't sure how to put it on paper, personally organizing was harder for me.
It was a good first prompt, I didn't expect any less of an AP English prompt. But, I was not prepared for it as I marked within my book for all the wrong things. Regardless of whether the prompt was online... I didn't annotate for juxtaposition. It would have helped to have done that.

At 11/01/2012, Blogger Unknown said...

In writing the in class essay, I found that it was easier to be specific! By narrowing the content of my essay to a specific point, it was easier to come from a generalization down to something pinpointed. I agree with Tania about writing the brief outline. Although mine was not so brief, but rather lengthy, it kept me on topic and on track throughout my essay. It also provided an easy means to transition into thoughts and new points.

As for time, writing the outline first, and the day before during class, beneficially gave me more time to edit the paper I wrote in class the next day. By not worrying as much about the introduction and conclusion, I was able to focus on the meat of the paper and improve it to be as effective as possible.

I think the organization was a bit harder to flow in a limited time period because at times I thought what I was writing did not exactly convey what I was thinking because of the confusing sentence structure and logical flow of my arguments.

-Sania Zaffar


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