Thursday, October 25, 2012

Reflection on the in class essay

Now that you have experienced your first AP style in class essay:

What strategies worked and didn't work? How did you allocate your time?
 Was the content of the prompt harder or the organizaiton it took to write in a limited time period?

What were your overall thoughts/answers to the prompt? Did you annotate for juxtaposition in "Speaking of Courage"?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

   2nd quarter you will craft a war story of your own.

According to O'Brien, what are the requirements of a war story?

  Do you agree with the advice the old woman gave O'Brien at the end of the vignette in "How to Tell a True War Story"?

"Now and then, when I tell this story, someone will come up to me afterward and say she liked it. It's always a woman. Usually it's an older woman of kindly temperament and humane politics. She'll explain that as a rule she hates war stories; she can't understand why people want to wallow in all the blood and gore. But this one she liked. The poor baby buffalo, it made her sad. Sometimes, even, there are little tears. What I should do, she'll say, is put it all behind me.
Find new stories to tell." (O'Brien 91) 

Are war stories sublime? Why or why not?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Portfolio Countdown: 5 days remaining!

Now that the quarter is coming to an end, reflect upon your work ethic, time management, growth, and participation as a student.

Did you touch the stove this quarter?

Are you person 1, 2, or 3(maybe a combination) that Mr. Robin talked about?

Is there any specific goals you want for next quarter?

*This may help you with the first quarter reflection paper you will have to write.