Friday, October 27, 2006

Cat's Cradle (pgs. 1-140)

You know that Vonnegut has you thinking...
you know that satire is afoot...
you have exigence to blog about all of the paradoxes, dichotomies, and allusions you have encountered...

Be kind to others and keep your posts limited to pages 1-140 for now.

Peace =)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Denotation / Connotation Awareness

Have you interacted with any meanings of words lately where you were fully-cognizant of denotation / connotation? Maybe the word had a positive/negative/perspective connotation that you reflected upon? Maybe you thought about a possible shift (even if you didn't know it for sure) of a word? Maybe you interpreted how shifts have occurred within certain words?

Post (the OED entry for this word is interesting) here.

F.Y.I - Peeps rule!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

1Q Study Post

The 1Q examination will contain rhetoric, TTC, "Solider's Home," The Scarlet Letter, and the notes of the class. This post should serve as a forum for anyone who would like to: ask a question, share a study method, start a study group, or respond to 1Q in any way.

Do not forget about our 1Q Essential Questions!
They will guide me as I create this examination.

This examination will take place 11/3/06 (two weeks from tomorrow).