In my everyday life, I use invention almost every second because of the thoughts and ideas that are running through my head. The arrangement aspect of my life comes when I begin to turn those thoughts and ideas into actions, deciding how I could complete each task and in what manner, or style, I can accomplish them in. Memory seems like the easiest one of the canons of rhetoric to use in everyday life. Memory is essential in almost any scenario because without it, you would not take into account vital facts or have knowledge/memory of past events. This may alter any of the previous three canons you have used in this decision making process and it is likely you will not succeed in completing your desired task. Delivery, seeming much like style to me, allows my own actions to become real to others around me when I demonstrate the effects they will have on my peers, rather than just me. Is there anyone who can further explain to me the major differences between style and delivery?
I dance almost everyday of the week. For me the cannon of rhetoric fits in with dance. We use invention to create dances or ideas that will fit the music. Each move we do reflects a beat or a melody and accents the music in a certain way. In this way the arrangement aspect comes into play because we have to arrange the choreography to fit the words or rhythm of the song. We could also physically arrange our formation to make it more entertaining for the audience or make it easier space wise to ensure we do not get into other people’s way. Arrangement of moves will also allow the dance to flow better. Style is how each dancer presents themselves. Every dancer has his or her own style which shows in the performance. Not every person moves the same way. The variety of styles enhance the dance. Memory in this case is pretty obvious. We need to memorize the dance, unless it is an improvising piece. Then delivery occurs when we put on a show or perform for others. The cannons of rhetoric can be delivered through other forms as well as through speaking or writing. -Jackie Huey
In life, words and mannerisms are used more commonly than expected. With the five cannons of rhetoric, I use them more than I am aware of. With invention, finding something to say, I use that everyday when I communicate with others. The process of ‘what do I say next?’ is constantly occurring through my head. I use arrangement in the way I present things or approach them, as in asking how someone’s day is going before approaching the reason I came up to them. The style is used in the way that I chose to act. If someone is having a bad day, I will give him or her space, because I do not want to make his or her day worse. With memory, I use it literally everyday in trig and physics, deductive thinking. Last but no least, I use delivery everyday in the way I chose to approach things. I chose to think of how to say it than rather why it is said. Overall, they are used a lot more than I ever noticed. -Nicole Vetter
Every day of my life, whether I am aware of it or not, I am constantly incorporating the cannons of rhetoric. Go figure. When I prepare for my day in the morning, I think about the things that I need to get done. Whether its work for school, task at home or after school activities. I like to be organized and when I think about the things I have to accomplish during the transgression of my day it is important to me that I have an idea of what needs to get done. To me, time is the only problem, there never seems to be enough hours in the say to fit everything I need to get done, nevertheless, it is no excuse for me. The way in which I accomplish my task is how style relates to my everyday life. Without a doubt, keeping all the things I have to do in order and remembering to do so is even more important. To remember certain events, or homework I use various tools. I use my assignment notebook to write down my homework, I use random sticky notes to remind myself or miscellaneous task, I have a dry erase boars in my room to write down homework and future projects or due dates and I put special dates or events into the calendar of my cell phone. Many times, actually almost all of the time, things are much easier said than done. And is a perfect description of my life. Being able to do all the things that I have to do is demanding and it takes effort and dedication. I am most certain that beyond the explanations for those that my say can be explained the canons of rhetoric are help the most.
Invention occurs everywhere you go. As you do things, you invent them. Actions, thoughts, and speech are all products of the mind. This cannon is crucial to whatever you do because it is the backbone and content of whatever it is that you are doing. Arrangement is the structure of your content and its order. For instance, when I wake up, it doesn't make sense for me to do things I would do at night. Things have to be done in a specific order so that everything you do is the most productive and efficient way of doing it. The style is what sets the tone of how I do things. Whether I'm really mad because I have to clean my room or I'm really happy because I just got a 25 point streak on Call of Duty, the way in which I do things gives my audience a certain perception of me. The three previous canons are the way in which I structure my everyday events, and once I commit them, they become a part of my memory for future use. Those memories and the actions I take are communicated through delivery, the last cannon. Communication is crucial in everyday life, no matter what I am doing. -Krzysztof Szypcio (Period 3)
I believe that the five canons of rhetoric have a large impact on my life, even when I do not necessarily realize it at the moment. Invention definitely plays a big role when I write poetry or am trying to think of the right words to get my point across correctly. And then arrangement of how I say or write my words coincides with that in how my ideas would be most understandable is a certain setting. And for me, style and memory always go hand in hand. When I remember how my cousins, who are from a small, country town, react to how I speak a certain way, I use that memory to adapt. Just like I do not have the same word choice, nor do I have the same style posting on this blog or talking in class as I do with my country cousins. If I did not remember how my cousins would react, I would probably be made fun of again for using “big words”. And of course, my delivery and style are much grander when speaking to E319 students than to my aunts, uncles, and grandparents. I use all of these canons to adapt better to the environment I am in and more so now that I am fully aware of them and their power. -Mac Kienitz
I can definitely apply the five canons of rhetoric to running just like Jackie can apply them to dancing. The first canon, invention, happens before I start a run because I have to decide which route I want to run or if I want to create a new one. The next step, arrangement, comes with me actually putting my plan into action and arranging my time/schedule so I can go outside to complete my run. My style can be compared to the tempo of my run because that directly effects how long and how far I run. It also affects how far I run. Memory is applied to remembering street names and being able to return back to my starting destination. Finally, the fifth canon, delivery, comes when I can finally show off my hard work from practice in a race. I really never thought that the five canons of rhetoric could have such a direct effect on my life…
In my everyday life, I use invention almost every second because of the thoughts and ideas that are running through my head. The arrangement aspect of my life comes when I begin to turn those thoughts and ideas into actions, deciding how I could complete each task and in what manner, or style, I can accomplish them in. Memory seems like the easiest one of the canons of rhetoric to use in everyday life. Memory is essential in almost any scenario because without it, you would not take into account vital facts or have knowledge/memory of past events. This may alter any of the previous three canons you have used in this decision making process and it is likely you will not succeed in completing your desired task. Delivery, seeming much like style to me, allows my own actions to become real to others around me when I demonstrate the effects they will have on my peers, rather than just me. Is there anyone who can further explain to me the major differences between style and delivery?
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I dance almost everyday of the week. For me the cannon of rhetoric fits in with dance. We use invention to create dances or ideas that will fit the music. Each move we do reflects a beat or a melody and accents the music in a certain way. In this way the arrangement aspect comes into play because we have to arrange the choreography to fit the words or rhythm of the song. We could also physically arrange our formation to make it more entertaining for the audience or make it easier space wise to ensure we do not get into other people’s way. Arrangement of moves will also allow the dance to flow better. Style is how each dancer presents themselves. Every dancer has his or her own style which shows in the performance. Not every person moves the same way. The variety of styles enhance the dance. Memory in this case is pretty obvious. We need to memorize the dance, unless it is an improvising piece. Then delivery occurs when we put on a show or perform for others. The cannons of rhetoric can be delivered through other forms as well as through speaking or writing.
-Jackie Huey
In life, words and mannerisms are used more commonly than expected. With the five cannons of rhetoric, I use them more than I am aware of. With invention, finding something to say, I use that everyday when I communicate with others. The process of ‘what do I say next?’ is constantly occurring through my head. I use arrangement in the way I present things or approach them, as in asking how someone’s day is going before approaching the reason I came up to them. The style is used in the way that I chose to act. If someone is having a bad day, I will give him or her space, because I do not want to make his or her day worse. With memory, I use it literally everyday in trig and physics, deductive thinking. Last but no least, I use delivery everyday in the way I chose to approach things. I chose to think of how to say it than rather why it is said. Overall, they are used a lot more than I ever noticed.
-Nicole Vetter
Every day of my life, whether I am aware of it or not, I am constantly incorporating the cannons of rhetoric. Go figure. When I prepare for my day in the morning, I think about the things that I need to get done. Whether its work for school, task at home or after school activities. I like to be organized and when I think about the things I have to accomplish during the transgression of my day it is important to me that I have an idea of what needs to get done. To me, time is the only problem, there never seems to be enough hours in the say to fit everything I need to get done, nevertheless, it is no excuse for me. The way in which I accomplish my task is how style relates to my everyday life. Without a doubt, keeping all the things I have to do in order and remembering to do so is even more important. To remember certain events, or homework I use various tools. I use my assignment notebook to write down my homework, I use random sticky notes to remind myself or miscellaneous task, I have a dry erase boars in my room to write down homework and future projects or due dates and I put special dates or events into the calendar of my cell phone. Many times, actually almost all of the time, things are much easier said than done. And is a perfect description of my life. Being able to do all the things that I have to do is demanding and it takes effort and dedication. I am most certain that beyond the explanations for those that my say can be explained the canons of rhetoric are help the most.
Carlos Sarasti
Invention occurs everywhere you go. As you do things, you invent them. Actions, thoughts, and speech are all products of the mind. This cannon is crucial to whatever you do because it is the backbone and content of whatever it is that you are doing. Arrangement is the structure of your content and its order. For instance, when I wake up, it doesn't make sense for me to do things I would do at night. Things have to be done in a specific order so that everything you do is the most productive and efficient way of doing it. The style is what sets the tone of how I do things. Whether I'm really mad because I have to clean my room or I'm really happy because I just got a 25 point streak on Call of Duty, the way in which I do things gives my audience a certain perception of me. The three previous canons are the way in which I structure my everyday events, and once I commit them, they become a part of my memory for future use. Those memories and the actions I take are communicated through delivery, the last cannon. Communication is crucial in everyday life, no matter what I am doing.
-Krzysztof Szypcio (Period 3)
I believe that the five canons of rhetoric have a large impact on my life, even when I do not necessarily realize it at the moment. Invention definitely plays a big role when I write poetry or am trying to think of the right words to get my point across correctly. And then arrangement of how I say or write my words coincides with that in how my ideas would be most understandable is a certain setting. And for me, style and memory always go hand in hand. When I remember how my cousins, who are from a small, country town, react to how I speak a certain way, I use that memory to adapt. Just like I do not have the same word choice, nor do I have the same style posting on this blog or talking in class as I do with my country cousins. If I did not remember how my cousins would react, I would probably be made fun of again for using “big words”. And of course, my delivery and style are much grander when speaking to E319 students than to my aunts, uncles, and grandparents. I use all of these canons to adapt better to the environment I am in and more so now that I am fully aware of them and their power.
-Mac Kienitz
I can definitely apply the five canons of rhetoric to running just like Jackie can apply them to dancing. The first canon, invention, happens before I start a run because I have to decide which route I want to run or if I want to create a new one. The next step, arrangement, comes with me actually putting my plan into action and arranging my time/schedule so I can go outside to complete my run. My style can be compared to the tempo of my run because that directly effects how long and how far I run. It also affects how far I run. Memory is applied to remembering street names and being able to return back to my starting destination. Finally, the fifth canon, delivery, comes when I can finally show off my hard work from practice in a race. I really never thought that the five canons of rhetoric could have such a direct effect on my life…
Karyn Baldwin (Per. 3)
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