Tuesday, October 18, 2011

End of the Quarter

Hey E319 Students,

Is the end of a quarter stressful? Why or why not?

(Jay Mehta Approved)


At 10/18/2011, Blogger Aru said...

What is stress? Stress is a relative term. To really understand if something is stressful or not, one needs to compare situations.

Is writing ten prompts and several essays in two days because you decided to watch all 4 seasons of The Big Bang Theory instead of working stressful when compared to eating a donut? Yeah.

But what about if a dinosaur appeared in your room and started chasing you? Then surely the stress of the prompts is nonexistent as you run for your life, trying to avoid being dinosaur grub.

Or if a wormhole appeared on your bed, beginning to suck all your belongings through spacetime. Then the stress of prompt writing vanishes (as do all of your possessions and yourself).

Or if you learn you are actually in The Matrix, and nothing is actually real, rather your mind is projecting a false reality which you are stuck in and cannot escape from - and in actuality you are being used as a battery for a race of robots. Surely the enslavement coupled with the existential crisis you will face trumps any silly prompt you have to write.

So as you frantically finish your prompts, just remember that at least a dinosaur isn't appearing out of a wormhole on your bed in a computer-simulated reality from which you cannot escape from.

Aru Singh


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