Technology meets Rhetoric (and they're friends)
In preparation for Mr. Weidig's guest appearance in our E319 class, I will ask you to engage in some eletronic discourse. Mr. Weidig is our school's Technology Coordinator, and he inquires as much as we do into the study of language and composition - of course, his field is focused upon integrating technology into our language and our composition.
So, a few guiding questions for next Monday:
1. How did your cell phone change the way you communicate with your family and your friends?
2. Using the internet, how do you express your individuality in a global community?
3. In what ways have your lives changed as a result of being able to communicate 24 hours a day with ease?
4. How has technology impacted your education for better and for worse?
5. Do your teachers leverage technology in order to improve your learning?
6. Why do you love Facebook, Myspace, text messaging so much?
7. How do programs like Facebook and Myspace help and/or hinder your ability to convey a message?
8. How does the World Wide Web impact who we would consider to be our intended audience when creating text?
9. Is it ok to post anything to the World Wide Web (think free speech)?
10. How does our role as American citizens (or citizens of humanity) affect our purpose and exigence when using technology to create and disseminate text?
Of course, digressions are acceptable.
Have your voice be heard.
1. I do not have a cell phone, by choice.
2. I blog and I have a myspace. I do the bare minimum to express myself online and interact with the global community. The internet provides the bare minimum as far as experience is concerned, so I believe it is justified.
3. I have the opportunity to network, and that will benefit me later on in the search for experience.
4. The information online is infine in quantity. Its use saves me time as I can filter and search for specified material. As the internet is poorly regulated, in my opinion, it can also waste my time, as the information found online is not always quality information.
5. My teachers inform me of things in the future which promote my awareness, which leads to a higher degree of participation, learning perhaps? It cannot be measured, so I’m not sure.
6. Facebook is not creative, and as far as I can tell time consuming. Myspace, facebook, and text messaging are a form of networking. Networking is an art.
7. Programs such as myspace or facebook are two dimensional. They allow us to express our opinions verbally, but leave our words, as in a book, open to interpretation.
8. Our intended audience will be the same, but our actual audience might be increased.
9.If you are blogging or writing at your leisure then you may say anything you wish.
10. As American citizens, or citizens of humanity, we should always try and impact others in a positive way.
Technology has, without a doubt, drastically changed our lives in such a short time. Everything from cell phones to Facebook have done so much to affect our lives, sometimes positively and sometimes negatively.
To me, my cell phone has caused me to keep in touch with friends and family. At first, my cell phone was only for calling home to get rides or tell my parents where I was. This allowed me to gain freedom and responsibility, as teenagers eventually will. However, my socializing and talking time was limited because I did not have the minutes to talk for hours on end to my friends about random things. For me, it could usually wait until the next day at school or attempt to send them a message on Facebook or AIM. Occasionally, if I had something important to talk about or wanted to make plans, I would use my house phone. After I got unlimited text, I would talk with my friends nearly all day. The only times I wouldn’t text my friends was if they couldn’t text, during school, or sleeping. My cell phone is my main source of communicating with somebody outside of person to person.
On the internet, I express my individuality in the words I choose and the interests I choose to show or tell. While millions of other people may choose the same interests as me, it is very unlikely to find someone with all of my exact same interests. Also, when communicating on the internet, I use certain words or phrases that very few people would actually understand. While almost everyone these days understands “lol,” very few people understand “lqtm” or “RUFFLESLAHLZ.” The best example of my individuality can be found on Facebook with an application known as Bumper Stickers. These are basically pictures of something that sometimes has words that you can give to someone. My Bumper Sticker collection shows a lot about me that is sometimes mentioned in other places.
The fact that everyone can communicate 24/7 is bittersweet to me. On one hand, information can be known so much quicker and much more accurately with technology these days. On the other hand, it makes me paranoid whenever my phone dies or I can’t go on the computer for an extended period of time. Since so many people rely on these sources for communication, they are less reliable sometimes. If I can’t check for messages all the time, I feel like I will miss something and that makes me paranoid.
Technology has changed my education very little. It has made several things much more convenient. For example, I could not even fathom what it would feel like to do the portfolio without a computer and instead with paper and pencil. However, when I think of my education, I think of what I learn and how I learn it. Most, if not all, of my classes use books and some sort of worksheet or packet to learn. All technology has done for education has been making it easier to find pieces of information quicker instead of looking through books or going to the library and made writing papers easier. I do not know how much technology has affected what the teachers have planned for us to learn, but to my knowledge, it has not changed my education too much.
Most of my teachers are willing to use technology to improve my education. For example, the blog allows the students of E319 to express our opinions more and listen to the opinions and interpretations of other people. This is extremely important for being open-minded and taking on more perspectives since there are only 50 minutes otherwise.
Personally, I love social networks such as Facebook and Myspace because it is a much more convenient way to keep in touch with people and much less expensive. On Facebook and Myspace, I could have conversations with at least five other people at one given time over a span of hundreds of miles. Instead of having a conversation with one person over the phone, I could have much more conversations with more people for a much lower cost.
Facebook and Myspace help me communicate because there is freedom of speech. They do not censor me from getting my message across with whatever words I choose to use. However, they hinder my ability communicate my message because they lack the variety to express it fully. Both social networks have a way to type whatever you wish and give the message to another person, public or “private,” but they are only words. There is no other way to express the message. If there was a phone call, I could change my tone, volume, or pitch. In person, I could change my facial expression or hand gestures.
The World Wide Web changes our intention on audience by censorship. Because anybody all over the world could potentially see our message, we attempt to censor what we say in out text. Many people lie about where they are and how old they are for safety and for mischievous means.
It is not okay to post anything on the World Wide Web because it is used by the world. Not every country has the freedom of speech so those people from those countries tend to be sheltered or protected. Even in countries with freedom of speech, many people on the internet are sheltered. That is why there is age verification on certain sites and even an age requirement to sign up for Myspace and Facebook. Also, this is why there is an agreement when uploading pictures onto sights that don’t have nudity, alcohol, etc. Since not every user of the internet is allowed, legally or morally, to see or read certain things, there are limits to what can and should be posted on the internet. Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want to see on the front page of tomorrow’s paper.
As citizens of humanity, we tend to ignore some of the rules in real life when deciding how and why to use technology. One of the greatest assets to technology is the anonymity it provides. When speaking an opinion that could cause a lot of problems if linked back to the author, technology provides a cover for the author without fear to express their opinion.
~Zach Steinbach
First, just a warning about my experiences with technology: most technology does not especially like me. Computers often freeze when I use them and that makes me a little annoyed. That annoyance transfers to other technology, whether it deserves my annoyance or not.
I didn’t start really using my cell phone often until last year. I still don’t use my cell phone all that much. Mainly, it provides me with an opportunity to be in communication at almost all times. I do not always take that opportunity, leaving my phone off or not keeping it with me. I prefer talking face-to-face with people. Then I understand the non-verbal communication and better know what they are saying.
I do not express myself that much through the internet. I have a facebook, but I didn’t even make it for myself. I use the internet more to gain a sense of other people and other things, especially if I find a random interesting idea.
By being able to always communicate with others, I think we as a society place less importance on communication. We take it for granted and do not always think before we speak/text/etc. This glib attitude toward communication lowers the quality of our communication as a whole.
Technology has helped my education a lot, especially the informal part. If I take great interest in something I learn, I can easily look it up and find out more about it. I just learned about fractal geometry because I wanted to know more about its roots and applications. I do not have to travel to the library to find a book to find information. It is all in my home on my computer. Unfortunately, many websites cannot be trusted. The source of information must have a high level of ethos for me to believe it on the internet. I can make a website spouting my ideas, but that does not mean that anything I write is true (or as true as truth can get). The convenience and availability of quality information on the internet outweighs the negatives of the unreliability of some of it, though.
Occasionally my teachers use technology to improve my learning, especially in US. Mrs. Lopez can easily pull up pictures or videos from the internet to give us a primary source. In physics, we can analyze graphs using computer programs and get more accurate results than computing by hand. I love my calculator in math class, but Mr. Noah keeps me from depending on it too much because we have non-calculator tests too.
I like texting because I can text a random thought or question to my friend without having to worry about interrupting him or her or forgetting my question. Facebook kind of annoys me. It has too many random applications that I will never even try. I use it to talk to friends who have graduated and that’s about it.
Facebook does help me communicate with people who do not live around here, but the lack of privacy limits my talking. I can’t really rant about how much I hate a person, teacher, idea, or something else if that person could see the rant.
With the whole web as a possible audience, no author can guarantee that their message will only reach his or her intended audience. It becomes available to all people.
Anyone can post anything on the web, and almost anything can offend someone. That does not mean that we should post nothing on the web. We just need to understand that there is a good chance that there will be some type of negative feedback for most opinions.
As American citizens, we have a lot more freedom and access in regards to technology than some cultures. We should take advantage of this access and be grateful to have this freedom. The government does not limit our freedom of the internet so we need to take responsibility and not abuse this freedom.
Technology has revolutionized the world for the better (communication increase) but for worse as well (weapons of mass destruction). It is a double-edge sword and some examples may be television and computer leading to more people wearing glasses, cars and gas leading to global warming, etc. But I appreciate the impact technology has had on my life.
1. Cell phones have made communication easy between my family and friends. Roads,mail, email, and the house phone have all sped up the process of communicating but the cellphone has increased it further. It does not restrict me from calling outside of my house. Almost anywhere, at anytime, I can use the cellphone. In an instant, no matter where I am (if I have signal in that area),I can call someone and know what they are doing. I can make a decision due to this information. An example would be if I called my friend friday night to hang out and he or she said yes. Then I would make the decision to walk over to their house and spend time with that person. My cell phone has become a great convience and has brought me closer(proximity) to my family and friends. Because I can communicate with them at any time, I call them more often. In a society where instant results are favored, the cell phone meets these requirements.
2. The internet is a great place to express your individuality. Blogs (like this one) are found in numerous websites though I have only posted on this blog. On the other hand, their are many forums where you can comment on multiple subjects. I have many accounts on forums where I can ask for help or post an answer to another question. Comments on youtube videos and etc. are also ways that people express individuality. But on most websites, the authors remain anonymous for security reasons. Facebook, Myspace, etc. are one of the biggest ways that many people, including myself, express their individuality. Though this is usually limited to people you know, you do not remain anonymous and can post anything about yourself on the website.
3. I have become more dependent on the cell phone because I use it so much. Information is easier to gain and my decisions are made more quickly. The time between my decisions and my actions have shortened. Things, such as projects, are finished faster. It is also a huge benefit and a lifejacket for humanity. With just three numbers(911) help will come and save you in a matter of minutes. Lives are saved faster in this fashion. This example may also cause people to be more careless, taking for granted that their lives will be rescued if anything goes wrong. The lives of others have been brought closer to mine because of the ease of coomunication. I can talk to people who live hundred of miles, even people who live anywhere on the world. The song "It's a small world after all" is becoming more of a reality for many people, which I like because it brings my friends and family closer to me.
4. Technology has become a great asset in my education. Research has become easy to find with just a click away (though the reliability of that source is in question)This has made homework, porjects, research very easy. The Ctrl+F button is handy for pinpointing what I am looking for as opposed to the alternate of going to the library and searching for your information in a book (which is more time consuming). Typing a paper on a computer is faster than writing a paper by hand. Technology has made the proces of education faster. Contactting teachers for help, via email or phone, has been made easier as well. The school website contains valuable information for the student. But technology has side effects such as laziness. Manual labor is not required and less effort is exerted. Also the dependence on technology is a problem. If the computer crashes, website doesn't work, phone doesn't work, etc. then there would be many problems.
5. Yes my teachers use technology to improve learning in the schools. Hundreds of copies of homework, worksheets, and notes are at their disposal to give to their students to reinforce what they have learned. Their email addresses and phone numbers are given out for the students to contact them for help. Some teachers use scantrons to making grading easier so students may know their grade faster. Grades are posted up on the internet for the students to keep track. Schedules of the following weeks are also posted up for the students to plan ahead, time management wise. Even homework is posted online in case you lost your copy or for some other reason. Teachers encourage us to use the internet more to gain more knowledge. The list goes on to how teachers use technology to benefit the students.
6. Facebook and Myspace are ways to keep in touch with people that you won't normally see or do see. It is a great way to socialize. For my friends and family that live hundreds of miles away, Facebook and Myspace bring them closer to me. You can also gain new friends through these websites. Picutres can be posted up and you feel involved in the lives of your friends and family. These websites also contain numerous applications and things you can do. There are many games you can play with other people online. Facebook and Myspace contain so many applications that the possibilities are endless. Countless hours are spent on these websites due to everything that you can do. It is addictive and hard to get bored of. Overall, it is a big social network that one can feel involved in. Texting is a way to deliver a message when someone doesn't have the time to talk. Phone calls take time and you don't really have time to think about what you are going to say unless you planned ahead. You don't really get to take back what you said either. With texting, you can take your time planning what you will send. Texting is also discrete and hard to notice unlike talking on a phone. On a side note I prefer facebook over myspace :).
7. Websites such as Facebook and Myspace help people to convey their message well. The message can be given to a multitude of people at one time. In this way, more people can see the message. Smiley faces and pictures can be posted to help further the message. At the same type they can also hinder one's ability to convey a message. I think it hinders the message more than helps the message. With these websites a person can only rely on text, the writing. You don't get the voice or tone of the message. The message might not be taken as seriously as opposed to speaking it to a person. Sometimes certain messages are up for interpretation and unless the author is there, the message cannot be explained clearly and the meaning is unclear. Songs and pictures that can be posted can habve different meanings. Sarcasm is also hard to pick up by reading a text alone. All these reasons are why programs like Myspace or Facebook hinder one's ability to convey a message.
8. When we post something online we have to consider who will be viewing what we post. Posting on certain websites attract more viewers than others. Our intended audience will be the same but we have to factor in that many people that are not the intended audience will also be reading the post. For this reason we need to expand the meaning of the post to include as many people as possible. The core intended audience will be the same but the message needs to include more people. In a sense, the whole world becomes our intended audience. But it is rarely possible to get the message across to every single individual in the world for everyone is different. So it is important that the message gets across to the original intended audeince first then include the others if possible.
9. In general, it is not ok to post anything on the World Wide Web. People shouldn't be allowed to post thigns that can hurt society. Posting things such as how to make a homemade bomb and etc. do not benefit the society but have the intention of hurting it. In terms of free speech, I believe everyone is entitled to to voice their opinion. But you should give reasons for your opinion and there sohuld be constructive crticism. I think the guideline of "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all" should apply. I have seen some comments on youtube where someone would post something about themselves, maybe playing guitar, and some person would just post "you suck go kill yourself" and I wonder where is the logic in that!? You can go around saying "Bush sucks" or "I hate cafeteria food" but you must have a reason to go with what you are going to say. There must be a reason for why you like or don't like something. If people give their opinion and their reasoning then it is ok to post anything on the Web.
10. As defined in class, text is anything that conveys a message. As citizens of humanity our exigence should be humanity, trying to improve life for the better. We should try and make the world a better place for the present and future by learning from our mistakes from the past. As humans of earth, our purpose would then be to post things on the web that bring attention to certain issues. Bring attention to charities and research facilities help to improve the conditions of earth. Food drives for those who don't have food and other examples are ways to bring certain issues to light to those who are oblivious to them. Some people's purpose is to increase health by reasearching for a cure to the many diseases in the world. Other people's purpose would be to improve conditions in parts of the world by donating to charities. The purpose of historians is to create history text books that explain the past so humanity will not make the same mistakes. These are all examples for the purpose of creating and spreading text. The effort put into creating and spreading text is to better the society that we live in.
Ben Wu
Current technology has decreased the communication between people. I remember when I was in third grade; me and my friends in other states would actually send letters to each other, like pen pals, and decorate them with tremendous effort. The 2-3 pages of letters would describe all the exciting moments of third grade and how much we missed each other. Now, coming back up to high school, I still communicate with my friends, but maybe instead of two pages, it’s just two lines of a text message. We don’t know that much about each other anymore. Cell phones have minimized communication between people.
However, I love technology. Even with its cons, we have many privileges that others in the past could not even dream about. For example, the internet lets us send letters without the hassle to go to the post office. And if you want to be current with what’s happening around the world, you can get all types of news in every possible language with just a click. Even though we minimized our communication with people, we also expanded it (paradox). For example, even though I don’t have the same communication with my friends from other states, the internet helps me stay updated with everything that is happening around the world.
I think technology has somewhat helped us academically as well. Typed essays raise our ethos because it’s more proper and organized. When we have research papers or major projects, there are so many credible sources that help us gather important information. Of course, sometimes we get carried away and our research paper or projects lack the source of books or we don’t use credible sources. I think the pros and the cons balance out, so technology has benefits if we use it appropriately.
I think there are unspoken rules to free speech. Sure, one can write anything on the web for everyone to see, but it should be appropriate. For example, if we had to blog about the current presidential election, there would probably be a division between McCain and Obama supporters. It would be perfectly fine if there was a debate on the issues that the candidates argue about, but it would be inappropriate if one starts to bash the other candidate. I don’t think its right for someone to swear or publish inappropriate text online because it distracts the reader/audience from getting the message. It is a poor way to persuade the audience.
I think technology is one of the greatest inventions of all time, but people abuse the benefits one can gain from it. People don’t always use the internet for appropriate manner. And others stop their routine of communicating with people far away.--Saba Ahmed
Before I received a cell phone I valued conversing with my friends much more. With a cell phone, I can contact my friends anywhere, anytime, and they most likely respond. Without a cell phone I do not talk to my friends as often, so when I do talk to them, it seems like the conversation is worth more. The communication itself over a cell phone is different as well. Most conversations are more rushed because I am often out doing something while talking to someone on my phone. I also multitask a lot when talking to a friend on a cell phone. Today, for instance, I was talking to a friend of mine while doing math homework at the library. I do not always focus as much on the conversation like I would in person, or even on a house phone.
The internet allows me to play to my artistic side. I often publish random poems or photos on facebook for my friends to look at, comment on, and critique. On AIM, I have an avatar that represents me and my personality. I can use different fonts and colors depending on the mood I’m in, which allows me to further express my individuality.
For me, being able to communicate 24 hours a day doesn’t affect my life as much as it could. My parents still enforce the phone and computer off at a certain time rule, and my phone gets very limited service anywhere on school grounds. I don’t turn my computer on until I get home from school which is between 6-8pm everyday, so I only really use technology to communicate for 2 hours a weekday, and on weekends. One way my life has changed as a result of easier communication is linked to texting. I really don’t like talking on the phone, so texting, and IMing are much simpler for me. I would rather talk in person, but being able to text or type encourages e to communicate more often with my friends.
On the good side, technology has expanded the ways I can do research, present material for class, study, and share ideas with friends. The internet provides a huge melting pot of information at my disposal at virtually anytime. This source allows me to gather information for projects and papers more easily, and directs me to original sources as well. The technology of powerpoint, word, excel, and moviemaker provide different ways to create imaginative projects. There are groups on facebook which students create as a place to discuss AP classes and get help on problems or ideas. This blog provides an ideal place to share ideas about topics in class, and get a different insight on material. On the other hand, technology also feeds the awesome skill of procrastination. I find myself talking to friends or surfing the net instead of doing my homework quite often.
Some of my teachers provide movies and power points to supplement lectures, but as I learn better from lectures, this technique hinders my learning more than it helps. I do like when we listen to music and analyze it in class, so that is one aspect of technology my teachers use that is helpful.
Facebook allows me to express myself artistically and easily allow my friends to see my work, as well as allow me to chat with my friends on a regular basis. I hate myspace because it is virtually unfiltered, and facebook is easier to control what people send me. I dislike the fact that I like texting, because it proves my laziness and my inability to talk on the phone. Nonetheless, I use texting because it is easier and quicker than calling someone.
Facebook helps me convey a message because I can post quotes that express my beliefs, publish poetry and photos, and send certain stickers to my friends. It helps me tell my friends indirectly what I’m feeling, even if I’m not talking to them face-to-face. Facebook gives me a place to post my art and other such items which all have something to say about me.
The world wide web gives us a greater possible pool of people to choose from as our audience. We aren’t limited to directing our message at only people who have access to a book, or who can attend a lecture. Due to the nature of the world wide web, we can direct our message a many different people at once. A web connects people, and therefore supplies the author with a diverse possible audience.
It is acceptable to post anything onto the web, but that doesn’t mean certain organizations, such as high schools, don’t have the right to block it. Just because someone makes the choice to post an explicit video does not mean everyone has to watch it. The web is a way of expressing yourself, and though I don’t see why people have to post certain items on the web, they’re allowed to do so.
As American citizens we view ourselves as the forefront of technology in the world. When we use technology, we use it to further our position and to prove that we are good enough to use it. In this country, we often look down upon people with no internet, or people who are technologically not savvy because the country is based so much off of this or that gadget. I think we as citizens are driven to use technology because we feel we are entitled to do so. Our purpose in using technology is influenced by the idea that American citizens by nature have to be able to function efficiently in a technological world.
~Lauren Becker
1. My cell phone didn't change how I communicated with my friends very significantly. I call them when I need to, and I still don't really call just to talk to people. The only differences that the cell has brought to me, are one - I occasionally text people, but prefer not to, and two - It allows more convenient and accessible communication with the fam.
2. Were it not for a certain friend of mine, I probably wouldn't have Facebook, but now it is probably the only global network that I am a part of, next to Instant Messaging. Facebook allows me to express my thoughts and feelings in many concrete vessels, such as my "Status" or "Personal Info," while I can also use it to post pictures, and join global causes and groups, amongst many other options of connecting with other people.
3. Somehow, "communication" hasn't always been a strong conviction in my family, in such a way which results in a lot of confusion. I could see how the flexibility in instantaneous contact with one another (most of the time) makes us less dedicated to planning things well ahead of time, so that constant communication wasn't necessary.
4. I think that of all the unlimited information at our disposal, internet has become our clearly dominant source for info. In this sense, I can see how I might be much less resourceful, when it comes to utlilizing information which isn't found on the internet. The obvious benefit to the internet is also very likely the reason it has become the superior source of information. To look up a pixilized subject and scroll is much more convenient and accessible than searching for a book and then needing to flip though the pages.
5. At this level of my high school career, I find that the teachers use the internet to the students best interest. Most teachers post links for schedules, homework, practice class problems, and even get as crazy as making blogs for their students to discuss concepts learned in class.
6. I don't have myspace, I don't like to text really, and facebook is ultimately distracting. I still appreciate the degree of expression and personality which is accessible through facebook, and I have found many practical uses for it, such as finding out ways to contact people, creating specific groups, and communicating with more people in less time.
7. I can attest that Facebook allows many vehicles to the audience, or whoever happens to view the "author's" profile. Through pictures, applications, and more, one can virtually connect with the audience on almost every level through the third dimension(excluding live, visual communication). Of course this simple internet network is limited to a certain level of intimacy, but at the same time, one can express things(yeah, things) in different ways that he/she would be able to do in person.
8. An author of an internet text should be aware that their website or information is available to almost the whole world. Knowing this, they need to consider more ways of isolating their text for their intended audience, such as through advertisements, specific search content, and access restrictions like passwords or membership. At the same time, an author may be trying to reach a wider audience, knowing the accessibility of his or her information.
9. Well, there isn't necessarily free speech everywhere in the world, but where there is, I think it is politically any person's right to post or look up whatever they want to. I don't believe that certain things SHOULD be posted, but democacy exceeds whether or not something is immoral in this case. I believe that nothing goes without consequence either.
10. As Americans, I think that internet texts are largely created and spread in order to entertain, or influence opinions of the audience. In our commercial and democratic society, internet may be a very effective way of advertising yourself, and becoming known, and potentially successful one day. The opinionative and political society that america holds, allows people to express an opinion on a national issue, whether it be about our governement, or American Idol. If someone wants to influence an opinion, or even look at others' opinions, the internet is at their disposal.
Technology has truly developed many aspects of everyday social life. Cell phones have changed the way people communicate with family and friends for the better. A portable device allows for dialog and communication to occur where ever there is service provided and not just a land line. A cell phone also aids in emergency situations such as a change in appointment or a terrible incident allows one to connect faster and easier than ever so this quick development of talking allows for better communication between people to avoid confusion. By using the internet, people have the right to make their own website or blog to express their individuality and promote what they believe on the internet and convince others to see their perspective. Also, many individuals create a certain internet profile which expresses their unique and different aspects for all their friends to see on the internet. Having the ability to communicate 24 hours a day allows for more flexibility in one’s life and not having to make an appointment to speak to the person who he/she would like to speak with. The ease of this communication also allows for faster and more efficient methods of informing others of changes in plans or schedules to make sure confusion is avoided. Technology allows for better education in schools. The technology allows teacher and students to communicate and resolve any issues or questions. The technology helps teachers with updating students with information about what went on in class or other resources to help students understand. Technology also provides much aid when trying to bring together students online with their school activities and academics. Teachers leverage much in technology to improve students’ learning. The technology allows for better display of information they are trying to teach and to perhaps help emphasis the point the teacher is trying to make. The many different tools of technology help to aid different needs that different students may need when learning new material. Many people love Facebook, Myspace, and text messaging so much because it connects them to their friends much easier without having to wait until the next day to see them. It also allows people to stay in touch with one another if distance is an issue. These types of website also allows to people to strengthen their social skills and develop friendships with those who are not as talkative and shy. Unfortunately, programs like Facebook or Myspace hinders people to convey their message. Individuals are allowed to quickly post or write quickly as they please. The loss of thought process or reflection disappears and they begin to speak without thinking which has no meaning at all. Thinking before one speaks allows for deeper meaning and message. The World Wide Web impacts the decisions of individuals to think before they act hastily to make sure the intended audience in their paper can be anyone. Any individual, knowledgeable, has an ability to view any webpage they desire so one must make sure they do not reveal too much information or offensive pictures. Many students post pictures of themselves drinking underage and they pay the consequences of their actions because they think their audience will only be their friends. The police are also an audience that monitors the web but most people do not consider this and make mistakes. Each individual has his/her right to post as they please on the internet. But as all cases a consequence follows their poor decisions. And society may not think all things on the internet are “okay” because many parents use internet blocks to make sure their children are not exposed to inappropriate content. The role of citizens of humanity should be to promote a positive and optimistic view and perspective on most issues in life. So the role of humans when using technology to create and disseminate text should be to guide their audience in the right path and use their rhetoric only for good as well as their information online only for the sake of the whole. The purpose should be to help others and the exigence should be the our good character that wants to help people in our society.
Fellow classmates,
I think that communication in today’s world is easier than ever. I am able to communicate with my family and friends without much effort. When we were in elementary school, most of my fellow classmates did not own a cell phone, and we would rely on the seemingly obsolete corded phone. Now, having a cell phone allows me to contact my family and friends anywhere and anytime, as long as I remember to charge my battery.
Using the Internet, we are able to communicate our individuality in a variety of vehicles. This blog represents an important example of a device in which we can express out thoughts. Also, personalizing our profile pages on Facebook and Myspace makes each user unique.
Most of the time, having the ability to communicate 24 hours a day with ease is bliss. If I was having a problem, or needed to contact my family immediately, I know I could easily. But, receiving a phone call or text message at 3:30am becomes a bit of an annoyance.
Students and teachers both tend to be crazy for technology, but also tend to go crazy from the technology. This love/hate relationship plays an important role in our daily school life. Many people rely heavily on technology, and when the technology works as expected, we can reap the rewards. But, sometimes the technology malfunctions, and students have to pay the price.
I think one of the main pieces of technology that teachers use in the classroom is the overhead projector. This does improve my learning because I am not fond of the chalk and blackboard. Using the projector allows the teacher to make clever and colorful presentations, and because many students are visual learners, this method is effective.
I love Facebook and text messaging because of the sheer speed. I can update my status and profile in an instant on Facebook. These updates are displayed to all of my friends on my Facebook the minute they log onto the home page. The same concept applies to text messaging. Also, within several seconds, my best friend or parents can receive a text message from me. Before the development of these technologies, being able to communicate quickly was difficult.
Programs like Facebook helps my ability to convey a message because of the macroscopic level of the website. If I want to, I can type anything I want into my profile and have every member be able to view the text. This ability can also hinder my ability because the message can become unclear. Many people might also interpret my message differently that what I have intended.
Because the World Wide Web is unimaginably large, there are so many different varieties of audiences that my message can be conveyed to. But, the problem arises when my message is interpreted differently by the different audience. If this message interpreted differently than what I have intended, conflicts can arise, and I can be put in a compromising situation.
I certainly do not think it is OK to post anything we please to the World Wide Web. What matters is the situation or context. On this blog, I could not start cursing or aggressively debate with another person. But in another blog, that might be perfectly acceptable (not that I would).
Poonam Sahasrabudhe
I think a cell phone helps me keep in touch with friends and family, but I don’t think I am obsessed with it like some people. I don’t find myself texting throughout class or going over my minutes. I can use it to keep in touch but it isn’t a necessity. I don’t have a facebook or a myspace, so I don’t think I can really comment on that. I don’t feel that I need one and I honestly wouldn’t have time for it. I think communication is much, much easier with the tools available now, but at times it can be harmful too. Technology can be used for bad reasons too. People can use it to spread gossip and rumors about others just like people can use it to keep in contact. I have teachers like Mr. Robin, and Mrs. Lopez who have us use technology to keep up with the class which I enjoy because I feel like it helps me connect with the material better. I have had other teachers who are so old school and want everything done by hand and disagree with outside resources. I think at times it helps my education better itself but at times it can distract me from my education. If I am doing something for school on my computer, I sometimes find myself updating my iPod. I don’t feel that you have a single audience when you post on the world wide web. In all reality, anyone can see anything you write. I think it also means that people need to watch/be careful about what they say. I don’t think teenagers realize that when they apply for a job or to a college, they can see things that they have done, pictures they have taken, or things they have written and possibly deny them. I think it is okay to have pictures and leave comments on peoples’ pages, but I think people don’t realize that others can find it. I think they should keep in mind what they are saying. I think as Americans we have more liberty as to what we can say in post. I think that causes us to create more text than people in a country where their liberties are controlled. I think it also hurts us because people do not realize that the government ultimately sees what people say. This is how so many criminals are caught via the internet. I think that communication and technology are wonderful inventions but need to be used with moderation.
-Ashley Blum
When my family first gave me a cell phone, I barely used it. I only used it to let my family know if I was staying after school or if I needed a ride. I used to only use the house phone, but now I never use the house phone. I rarely call my friends if I need to ask a simple question, I just text them. When I stay after school and forget to tell my parents, I use a text.
I do not really use the internet to express myself. I have a Facebook, but no one can tell much about me by looking at it. I did not fill out the “about me” section because I feel if someone is my friend, they should already know me. I do not want Facebook stalkers knowing who I am.
With technology at my fingertips, life is easier. If I have an urgency to talk to someone, I do not have to worry for hours until I can talk to them. I can text, call, e-mail, or IM the person in seconds. My iTouch combined with my cell phone are the ultimate communication devices.
Technology has helped me with homework assignments such as research papers. Then again, one has a vast amount of information at his or her fingertips and they can easily be tempted into looking up answers rather than trying to figure out the answer themselves. For younger children, technology helps them learn while having fun. Games such as V-Tech have the children play games while they learn, but that is also the problem. Once they start school, they will only want to play games and not learn.
Many of my teachers show us or tell us about websites that can help us for tests, homework assignments, and practice. Mr. Pennisi has online quizzes, Mr. Yanule showed us his Class Zone account, and Mr. Robin has almost every aspect of his class online.
I personally hate Myspace because it is too confusing to personalize like Xanga. I love Facebook because I can see everyone’s pictures and keep in touch with all my friends. I love text messaging because I can multitask and communicate with my friends. I can think about what I want to say and I do not waste minutes.
When communicating with people on Facebook and Myspace, one might try to be sarcastic or have a specific tone in a message, but the reader might not understand it. They might get mad at the sender due to miscommunication. The sites can help communication by letting the writer think about what they want to say to the person before sending the message.
When writing something on the World Wide Web, one might forget that anyone can see what they wrote, not just those who the writer wants to see it. This large audience might make people mad or upset, but it is the writer’s fault for posting a message without thinking of the consequences.
Anyone is allowed to post anything on the World Wide Web as long as it is their own posts. It is not right to copy another’s work and post it on the Web without giving the person credit for it. If they put up a crude or racial post, it is their choice and are allowed to post it, but they have to deal with the consequences. Those consequences might include having the site blocked from viewers.
I think every person who posts a text has a different purpose and exigence. They might have to post for part of their job, for homework assignments, or for the sake of posting. Each person views the Internet as a different portal to different possibilities and outlets. It is their choice of how to use the Internet.
Mona Patel
1. How did your cell phone change the way you communicate with your family and your friends?
-My cell phone allows me to communicate more often with my family and friends. I'm always on the go, and very busy, so texting and calling from my cell enables me to communicate on a regular basis.
2. Using the internet, how do you express your individuality in a global community?
-I personally don't use the internet to express myself. My cousin uses MySpace, face book, and her own webpage to set up layouts that match the way she's feeling. I think that she uses the internet as her outlet, and although I think that this as a great way to express yourself, I personally don't use the internet as an outlet.
3. In what ways have your lives changed as a result of being able to communicate 24 hours a day with ease?
- My parents worry less about me. I think that because they know that they can reach my on my cell phone 24 hours a day, they feel more comfortable with me going out and having fun. Because I can be reached 24 hours a day on my cell phone I have been granted more freedom.
4. How has technology impacted your education for better and for worse?
-I think that technology has bettered my education. Because the internet it so easily accessible for my generation, we are offered a direct link to the information we are seeking. The time spent looking up information on the internet is much less than the time it would take to got to your local library, find the certain book you need, and find the exact page or chapter you are seeking. This time difference has allowed our generation to move through units more quickly. We spend less time seeking the information, and more time learning the desired curriculum.
5. Do your teachers leverage technology in order to improve your learning?
-Actually, most of my teachers still use chalkboards or white boards to teach the intended curriculum. Although this conventional method of teaching is effective, I wish more teachers would access technology to convey their message. By using electronics, it insured that the text will be written neatly, making note taking much easier for the students.
6. Why do you love Face book, MySpace, text messaging so much?
I don't use MySpace or face book, however I love to text. Texting allows me to send messages quickly and easily, without having to deal with small talk associated with a phone call. I think that a phone call is helpful in certain cases as well, but if I want to say a few quick words, or tell someone the times of an event, or the place of the event it is much easier to just text it.
7. How do programs like Face book and MySpace help and/or hinder your ability to convey a message?
-As much as I love texting, I think that it hinders our ability to convey a message and express ourselves. People use abbreviations profusely, and spell things incorrectly in the interest of time while online, which in turn becomes a habit, and hinders our ability to express ourselves correctly in person. Also, some people are more open while online, sometimes a completely different person. It makes it difficult to be yourself when in person if you are so used to your internet persona.
8. How does the World Wide Web impact who we would consider to be our intended audience when creating text?
-The internet makes things easier for its users. Websites like and make finding information simple. Because the internet makes research so simple, it saves its users time, allowing the audience to spend that saved time doing other chores, or applying their time to other projects. The World Wide Web simplifies our tasks as well as saving us time.
9. Is it ok to post anything to the World Wide Web (think free speech)?
-I think that some messages should not be posted online, however I don't think that stops people from posting them anyways. Hurtful of mean messages can really affect someone if they are posted online. Not only are they addressed to a certain person, singling them out, but they are giving others a reason to make fun of or ridicule the targeted individual. By posting online the message is amplified, creating more problems than normally would arise.
10. How does our role as American citizens (or citizens of humanity) affect our purpose and exigence when using technology to create and disseminate text?
-I think that the answer to this question differs depending on each individual’s role in society or humanity. Depending on what each persons reasons and goals are greatly affects what they say on the internet an how they distribute it to others.
Technology completely changed the way people communicate with one another. From cell phones to instant messaging, communication has broadened to unbelievable levels and has interesting effects on the rest of life.
Cell phones changed the way I communicate with family and friends because now it is much easier to ask permission to hang out with friends. Just a quick, last minute phone call and I can chill with my friends for a good couple of hours, where before it would be impossible. Also, cell phones limit the possibility of getting into trouble due to the fact of arriving home late. With a quick phone call to explain why I will be late, I can extend the time needed to be home and escape any sort of punishment. Being able to communicate with such ease whenever it is needed has allowed me to live more freely. I am able to go places on a whim with just a phone call or the click of a button. Cellular devices are not the only technological advances at our disposal. The Internet plays an increasingly important role in the daily lives of everyone.
With the Internet, it becomes easier to express one’s individuality. I can write on my Myspace or Facebook my opinions of politics or entertainment or personal feelings without fear of being rejected by peers. However, due to the fact that I cannot express tone or emotion as clearly as I would in speaking, miscommunications can arise, hindering the message I’d like to tell. Although the Internet does have the ability to hinder my message, it also aids me by allowing me to reach more people than I would if I were merely speaking to a peer in school. The Internet, Myspace, Facebook, etc, allow for a quicker, efficient means to get my message out into the world without having to speak publicly and embarrass myself. When using the Internet to convey a message, the intended audience could be miles away and near. The impact is phenomenal because millions of people read the message and commit to the cause, rallying support far and wide. People realize that they aren’t the only ones for this cause, whether it is cancer or an infectious disease or the environment, as more and more people aid in the effort to fix the issue. The Internet brings people together no matter how far away they may be, for better or for worse. Free speech and the Internet mix rather well. It is acceptable to post anything on the web, as seen on sites such as YouTube, but that text will be criticized by opponents by the millions and, in some countries, could be punished by law. As good as the Internet is for communicating, it also hinders my ability to concentrate.
With the Internet at my fingertips, it is rather hard to concentrate on work that needs to be done. The temptation to visit Myspace or Facebook is overwhelming and causes me to stray away from doing my work. As much as the web helps me in looking up information or communicating with friends and family, it also pulls me away from my work, hindering my education. My education, however, is improved due to the teachers that use technology to their advantage in teaching. Most of my teachers post homework schedules to help keep me on task in case I miss a class. When a test in coming up, some teachers post helpful quizzes with detailed answers to give a little extra help to pass the test.
As citizens of America and humanity technology changes our purpose and exigence due ot the fact that the intended audience is broader. With such a broad audience, the purpose and exigence become vague to encompass the differences within the audience to come together.
Sam Rill
I struggle a lot with understanding and finding a balance where technology is concerned. It enables us to do so many helpful and extraordinary things, but as I was just saying to a friend yesterday, is all progress good? How can one tell if change is good or bad for humanity? It is, after all, one of our most basic instincts to improve our quality of life and chances of survival.
I love the Internet. A lot. I belong to various fan communities, have a blog, and recently got a Facebook. It allows me to talk with others who share my interests and ways of thinking about the world, and subsequently further develop a sense of self. It's basically socialising through writing and expressing your love for the things that you're interested in (e.g. on Facebook, becoming a "fan" of something, or writing "notes" that are like blog posts), which I think is awesome. I believe that, at least in my case, writing in emails or blogs or instant messenger helps me to better convey my purpose because I can think more before words come tumbling haphazardly out of my mouth. It also creates a certain sense of security, and people say things that they might not normally say when they're physically facing someone else, whether that something is cruel or affectionate or an expression of who they truly are.
So yes, use of the Internet has clear issues. Personally, I'm extremely addicted, and find myself online much more than is healthy. The Internet has also created a disturbing disregard for the rules of grammar, which are in place so that human beings can effectively communicate with each other.
However, technology has also emerged as a helpful tool in education, though I don't tend to think it has as much irreplaceable importance as others do. Things like online grading and PowerPoints and simulations for scientific concepts are easily recreated in the world outside the computer; even if they're a somewhat different manifestation, they still accomplish the same purpose. Sometimes I get frustrated because I feel as though teachers are using technology just to use it, not because it's helping the students all that much. (Though I can understand using it because it's easier.)
I think many will remember that the subject of the reading in the practice PSAT was the overwhelming amount of media available to the audience of today and its effect. I'm not sure whether this is good or bad, and neither was the author of the article. It has resulted in a more global, macroscopic awareness of the world, and also a decreasing reverence for the sanctity of text. Most people don't think about their intended audience as the world at large, or of their responsibility not to write irresponsibility. But then again, that's not much different than those who speak hastily or ignore societal rules that have evolved for a reason; the problems that the Internet has can be seen as extensions of problems that humanity has always faced. The biggest problem is probably that written text has more ethos, and can easily lead others astray.
Technology has had an influence on our society above any other factor I can imagine. The emergence of cell phones in particular has affected communication drastically. Now no one is out of reach; you can always reach your friends when they bring their phones with them. You don’t even have to talk to them! Text messaging allows instant communication from just about anywhere. This August, a friend and I were texting while she was hiking in the Adirondacks in upstate New York! A few short years ago, this would have seemed absurd. Texting has also (some may say “unfortunately”) created a new language of abbreviations. The constant access to communication has allowed our society to stay in touch easier than ever and now we never feel too far away from one another.
I have yet to be absorbed into the world of MySpace or Facebook. As a matter of fact, I hate them. Sure, they are great communication tools, and it is very easy to connect and “talk” to friends. From what I observe, those that choose to use these methods of communication often portray their individuality in a positive manner through posting profiles; however others abuse it, often getting into trouble. People should not be able to post anything to these sites, as they need to be kept appropriate for everyone, since so many young people choose to use them. In addition, by posting bad profiles, you may communicate a message that puts you in a negative light. In my mind, it’s all more trouble than it’s worth.
When posting information to the web, we, as when creating any other text, have exigence and purpose. However, we often forget that anything on the web is in the public spotlight. We need to remember that, as citizens of humanity, our purpose must be one that does not contradict the laws of humanity. In other words, follow the Golden Rule online too.
In school as in the world, technology can be used for good or evil. I don’t know how I would write a paper without Microsoft Word. When your handwriting is as bad as mine, typing is a big help. Also, research is much easier when the world is at your fingertips. Our SHS library has databases that allow instant access to tons of credible sources for any assignment. The instant access to information brings up another issue. The internet, due to its widespread availability, has a wide range of audiences. The problem occurs when certain pages have a more limited intended audience. Wikipedia, for example, is too often considered a credible source. While it is appropriate for certain purposes, for any important research, it is not.
However, technology in the hands of the wrong people becomes bad very fast. Teachers too often rely on PowerPoint to teach their classes, and “WebQuests” are no substitute for actually being taught something. More teachers need to be able to use technology effectively, because I think it could benefit nearly all subject areas. Some teachers actually use technology well. By posting helpful resources, such as schedules, extra practice pages, and even this blog, teachers help us instead of hinder us.
-Kevin Mangan
I personally rarely use my cell phone. I leave it at my mom's house and only use it when I'm there. When I do use it, my conversations are very blunt and to the point (considering the situation is usually my confirming of plans). My cell phone conversations differ from my house phone conversations because house phone conversations are usually lengthy and include deeper topics. My cell phone has also changed how I communicate with my parents and friends because I sometimes text message, which causes me to not use proper punctuation and grammar. I have also text messaged my Mom before, when I was too lazy to call.
I use MySpace. I've had a MySpace for three years now, and it has changed greatly over time. Currently I just have my favorite music up and pictures of my heroes under the "heroes section". I place high importance in those I respect; some examples are William S. Burroughs, Sylvia Plath, Joe Strummer, and Emma Goldman. I figure the people I talk to on MySpace already personally know me, so there's no need to elaborate who I am. I do use MySpace to spread awareness of my poetry; I put everything recent that I write into the blog section. This has actually proven to be helpful; friends who I've had no idea read poetry have approached me about slamming with them or have tried to help me get published.
I feel that our lives have negatively changed by the ability to communicate at all times. I personally enjoy having individual time, and I don't like how quickly we can condense our emotions and thoughts into text messages or quick cell phone conversations.
I think technology has helped my education in which it enables students to extend the lessons learned during the day-and in turn better develop our thought process-such as this E319 blog. I also think it has aided students to help each other understand and clarify what we learn, for instance, I've heard of people posting face book events such as working on the portfolio at the library or groups about AP English. Technology has negatively affected my education because I personally enjoy hand-crafted and personal assignments. The majority of my classes force me to do internet activities, or type essays. I think this takes the personal process out of turning in work. I'd rather have a typewriter! :)
I definitely think so. As mentioned in the previous answer, teachers frequently use technology to further reach students and extend our understanding of lessons. While I can see the reasoning behind doing assignments online-it will reach students that have a hard time focusing on written work, and appeal to the common student's modern outlook-I think being able to actually write out a response or orally evaluate is a commonly underdeveloped skill.
I definitely dislike technology, in a way it creeps me out, but certain websites (such as MySpace) make it easier to contact many people at one time. For instance, I could call every single one of my friends to tell them about a party or etc. or I could make things easier by posting a bulletin on MySpace. It is really a matter of networking. These tools allow us to reach more people in less time.
I think it helps my ability to convey a message because it is in a form that most people will relate to, such as an email or etc. I can also think about what I'm going to say before I say it, (I sometimes lack this skill when talking out loud!). I can also better convey my message through other texts, such as images or music. It also hinders my ability to convey a message because most people don't use proper grammar or punctuation online, so when I do, they perceive this as being lofty or annoying.
The web broadens who we would consider our intended audience, because the web allows access by almost everyone. This means an author with a rhetorical purpose must have key components that will appeal to those intended, and will cause those not intended to stray.
I think situation affects what can be posted to the internet. Everyone should be able to have the choice to post personal information (I'm completely for free speech) but they should be aware of the consequences. This would apply to information such as your address, name, and personal pictures. In the context of articles or websites for certain interests, I think anything should be able to be posted, even if morally wrong. I feel that nobody should hold the power to determine what is morally acceptable.
As American citizens, we understand American values and what is socially considered unacceptable. Out exigence (whether it fits these values, or goes against these values) is then altered by technology. One may be moved by a certain issue, but then reads an article online and has a changed outlook. Technology can in turn completely alter our purpose. We also have to take into consideration how quickly our message will spread, and what sort of audience it will reach.
Erika Alexander
First off, remember that all of Mr. Robin’s 319 students are posting this homework response in a blog. Writing in a word document, my old 97 windows does not recognize the word blog or texting. How things have changed. It is remarkable how much technology has changed the lives of almost everyone. It is arguable that America has experienced a technology revolution. For instance, I remember in 1-3rd grade, doing a project on a computer was a huge deal. Computers seemed, at the time, to be these huge complex, scary machines. Now, as a junior, I feel a deep connection to my computer and all technology I own, just because of the sheer amount of time spent with technology. So, in regards to my cell phone, I received the gift of texting about a year ago. At first, I thought it was a stupid waste of my time that I did not need to be bothered with. Now, I cannot imagine living without texting. It is a quick, easy, and efficient way to portray a quick message. Although efficient, texting presents difficulties portraying emotions or tone. Messages can be misinterpreted. My mother has mastered the art of calling and hanging up 64 times to get a hold of me. Voicemail is the stupidest of all the features avaible on a phone. No teenager in their right mind has the time to check their voicemail. All of my friends have phones, and if they don’t they are shunned.(Just Kidding…).
The Internet has thousands of opportunities for individualization. You can find virtually anything published online. A websites appearance will affect the content, the types of visitors, and its acceptance in the virtual community. Another double-sided sword the Internet provides is anonymity. I can be anyone I want on the Internet, and un fourtutely, or fortunately, depending how viewed, anyone else can be also. An identity can be created, and a life can be lived on the internet. Digressing back to third grade, does anyone remember the Clue Finder Games? I remember spending hours on my computer, trying to solve a mystery picturing myself as a modern day Nancy Drew. Video games evolved into Sims( again with creating lives), and into WWC, and eventually into the mass market of Playstation, Xbox, Wii , Sega, and most importantly, Mario Cart. =] Consider the effect these games have has on the world. Many different effects can be argued; obesity, poor vision, good hand eye coordination, or living in a world very different from the one actually existing. Video gaming has a huge community of followers. Technology should be for helping or fun.
Technology has teens more hooked up with each other than ever. I can get a hold of my friends very easily if I need to, at almost all times of the day. Texting, Facebooking, Email, or simply calling are all options I could consider. However; can being more connected virtually ruin the art of the letter? Definitely. I have not written a letter since taking consumers ed summer school in between freshman and sophomore year. On a graver note, has technology ruined the art of conversation and perhaps the English language? There has been a rapid increase of colloquial terms and conversations. Language has lost its richness and texture. That saddens me. Have teens lost the ability to hold a deep conversation? I know technology can help and better mankinblah blah blah. I think technology will end up hurting relationships more than helping them.
Danielle Vetter
1. I received my cell phone when I was in eight grade, and since then I can communicate with friends and family more often. I also communicate by text messaging.
2. On the Internet I express any individuality by email. I write to friends and family through email and try to embody my personality in the emails I write.
3. With the ability to contact anyone at any time of the day, we no longer have to plan out the entire day with specifically where we will meet and when. Now we can call before we leave, on our way, and when we arrive at our destination.
4. Technology has made it possible for students to learn through more interactive ways like web explorations and movies. Technology in the classroom has also made note taking, finding research and writing papers easier. Sometimes these tasks that have become easy with technology have negative effects on students. With easier options I feel I can do more than I should in regards to class work and activities.
5. Some teachers use technology everyday. My teachers use PowerPoint, movies, and projectors to assist them in teaching.
6. I do not have a Facebook or a Myspace but I do use text messaging. I prefer to call people because calling takes much less time. However if I need to tell a friend something and I do not want to interrupt them I will send them a text message.
7. I do not know how Facebook or Myspace affect the ability to convey messages because I have neither of them.
8. On the web anybody can read a text and therefore be an audience member. When creating a text, writers must remember anyone can observe their text. Some people get offended easier than others and authors need to be careful that they do not offend anyone. An intended audience might understand that a text is only a joke but an unintended audience member might not take the text as a joke and get offended.
9. As American citizens, we have the right of free speech to say whatever we please. However, people should use caution on what they write on the web because words on the Internet remain there for a long time and anyone can read them.
10. Technology helps to make sure many people can come into contact with a text. As Americans our job is to make sure texts are equal to all people.
Marni Gonnering
Technology definitely changes everyone in some way whether it be positive or negative.
My cell phone only changes the way that I talk to some of my friends because I just text them. It does not change the fact that I call my family and good friends.
I think that the internet is a good place for people to express their individuality because they are not as afraid of what people will think and say. You can have an individuality online by your screen name and profiles on various websites.
Since kids can talk to each other easily all the time, they can ask questions and work together on homework without having to actually meet somewhere. Internet also makes it easier to contact teachers after school hours when you have a question that needs to be answered by the next day.
Technology has helped my education in many ways that include in class work, homework online tutorials, and information.
I think that the use of technology in schools today help students learn because it can set a different perspective for kids who don’t understand the material one way.
Facebook and Myspace can either be an obsession or just a way to keep in touch with old friends. I think that kids like text messaging so much because instead of having the pressure to answer quickly on the phone, they can take their time to think of what they are going to say. This makes kids more confident because they are not confronting the other person face to face.
Websites like Facebook and Myspace can help you convey a message without worrying about the criticism of other people but these sites can also give off false personalities.
When we type something and put it onto the internet, we have to understand that most definitely not only our intended audience will read. When something is published to the web it is free for anyone to see and read.
Even though there is freedom of speech, there are still things that are inappropriate to put onto the internet that might be offensive to other people.
Technology has impacted everyone at schools and most jobs. We should use these changes to our advantage.
1.) Having a cell phone allows me at certain times to be places where my parents would not want me to be. By having a cell phone, they have at most times instant access to communication with me. Also, I often do not tell my parents to their face that I am leaving or going to be somewhere else other than my house, I use my cell phone, but that is when I am not already at home. It also has allowed me to be connected with some of my friends.
2.) By using the internet, I express my individuality by having an e-mail account(s), an AIM screen name, and a facebook. Each of these my e-mails and AIM screen name have some significance behind it. My facebook account has stuff that I like and think to be part of me.
3.) Being able to communicate or be communicated to 24 hours day, has glued me to things such as facebook and aim. Once I get home, I get on my computer log onto my email account(s), aim, and facebook, from these things I talk to friends and families until I shut-off the computer to go to sleep. It has made my days longer, because it takes me longer times to accomplish what I am doing, whether that be homework, research, etc.
4.) I think being able to communicate or be communicated to basically 24 hours have its pros and cons. The pros I think would be that, you do not have to worry as much, because you can find out the information you need within seconds. For example, if you are absent from school, you can easily be in contact with your classmates and find out what you missed, what the homework was, and other things, and by having this information you stop yourself from getting behind in the class. Another pro, I would think that things like Facebook and AIM, allow you to communicate with friends and families while you are doing something else, like homework. But that also is negative in a way, because if you are trying to do two things at once, you are not fully concentrated on one thing, and in this case would be your homework. Most of the time, more than half of your mind is taking care of all the chatting/instant messaging, and what ever is left of your concentration is on your homework, this can in most scenarios cause you to do bad on the assignment and not understand what you are learning.
5. My teachers do use technology to improve our learning. One personal example is that all my teachers have a microphone which I give them, so I can hear them better. Also, in my business law class, our teacher uses a remote controller game when we review for tests.
6. Facebook allows me to express who I am and also stay connected with all my friends that I do not see outside of school. Also, with Facebook I can talk those friends and anyone else I am friends with whether they are friends from Schaumburg or other schools/places around the world.
7. Facebook, Myspace, and text messaging all are new texts that can be used to communicate. However, in a time where time is everything, we have cut back on our language skills when using Facebook, Myspace, text messaging, and AIM. For me and all the people I communicate with using these texts I do not use full words, for example when something funny is said, we do not write, “that is funny” or something to that effect. Instead, we type in “lol”. This type of text has also hut me in school. For example, when writing in-class essays, I would often catch myself using abbreviations for words instead of the full spelling. So by becoming use to this, it makes it harder for me to convey my message in homework or other papers for school. Also, with messaging, you lose certain things, such as sarcasm, because when people message you, you have to assume they are being serious about it and not joking.
8. When putting something on the World Wide Web, you can still choose who your intended audience is, but everyone has the ability to see it. It is the same thing with any other type of text. Authors most of the time do not have their writing to be intended for everyone, which would be hard to do, since one person might agree with the writing while another might totally disagree with it and hate it.
9. I think it is okay to post anything to the World Wide Web, as long as it does not hurt or offend somebody. You can put up stuff that disagrees with people, but nothing attacks or offends them, such as it would be okay to put up why either Obama or McCain would be a bad president, but not okay to go put up that Obama should not be President because he is African-American or put up something that McCain did not suffer as POW, and he is just over exaggerating about it.
10. Not everyone using the World Wide Web is an American citizen, but they all are citizens of humanity. So looking it as the role of citizens of humanity is a better way, since all are included and not just a select group of people. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word “citizen” is defined as “a native or naturalized person who owes allegiance to a government and is entitled to protection from it” and “humanity” is defined as the quality or state of being human”. With these two definitions, one can come to the conclusion that when we use texts as citizen of humanity are usage of the internet should be for the benefit of the human race, because as a citizen we pledge are allegiance to humanity. When creating text we have to be creating text with a good-hear, intent with no evil, and when we destroy text we do it in order to protect the human race and not just because we disagree with what the text is saying or its message.
-Mo Khan (P.1)
Technology changes the way that the world functions. It is easier for people to communicate and send news. Cell phones are one reason for this function. Cell phones have changed the way I communicate with people. I can call my friends if I am not home and I can call my parents to pick me up from somewhere. Internet helps communicate with others around the world too. It is cheaper to talk online to people than call them because of long distance calls. Internet expresses individuality because everybody has a way of writing that is different than everybody else. The internet connects people together, with all people being different and socializing. My life has not really changed from twenty-four hour communication because I do not get disturbed by people when I sleep, so I do not have people calling me twenty-four hours a day. Technology has bettered my education because it is easier to write papers and research on the internet than in books. Technology has made my education worse because it provides too many distractions when I work, so my work takes longer. Teachers use technology to organize notes better and allow students to ask for help through email. I do not really love Myspace, Facebook, and text messaging. All three cause distractions to working and cause people to rely on technology to communicate. Facebook and Myspace help make a message because the people can create a profile that reflects their personality. The programs also hinder the message because sometimes, a photo may be posted that may not relate to the message and cause confusion to the viewers. The World Wide Web impacts the audience because anything that is posted online can be seen by anybody around the world if the people search for the right words. It is ok to post most things on the World Wide Web, but there are some items that should not be posted. Offensive photos and offensive language should not be posted because a small child most likely will have access to internet, but if they accidentally search the wrong item, they may be affected with negative items. Our roles as American citizens affects our purpose and exigence because we should only be putting up helpful text, not harmful text, and have a logical reason to post something in technology, using technology only for good, not evil.
- Matthew Schnepel
1.Cell phones have definitely changed the way I communicate with my family and friends. Either it be for the better or the worse, cell phones have impacted it. I can now be a pound away from calling my mom or a click away from texting my bff. Whatever I need at that given moment I can easily achieve. The bad news is that if I’m engaged in a face to face conversation with my mom and I receive a text, I’m not really focused on my mom anymore and I lose focus on what is more important.
2.On the internet I can express my individuality through my own facebook page. It lets me update my status on how I’m feeling and download pictures to show others what I like to do in my leisure. Within this global community, others can learn who I really am through my actions.
3.Being able to communicate with each other 24 hours a day has changed our lives. We can now know last minute details on an event or even know of a family emergency within minutes. In a way we have become obsessed with technology, because we forget what it’s like to live without your cell. I admit I feel lost if it’s not in my hand all the time.
4.Technology has improved my education because if I forget something at school chances are I can look it up online, and if I need a question I can just send a quick text to a classmate. However, when my computer malfunctions it takes twice as long to complete an assignment and sometime teachers will post the homework online and then my internet will shutdown or my printer will run out of ink. It is a hassle if something happens, but it can also be a last minute life savor.
5.My teachers leverage technology in order to improve your learning. Technology makes things easier to understand, such as powerpoints.
6.I love my facebook and texting so
much because it makes feel really close to my friends and family.
7.Facebook may hinder your message you try and portray, because many people have a hard time understanding your emotions through words, so they may interpret you the wrong way.
8.The internet may impact who we consider the intended audience, because through out the text we use slang and improper dialect. We lower the credibility of us as the author, so we may only attract those of lesser ethics.
9.It is ok to post anything on the internet. Although it may be disrespectful, or harm others, you as an individual have the right of speech.
10.Our role as an US citizen affects our purpose and exigence when using technology to get a text across, because we use slang and abuse the language to the point where we are not clearly understood.
Overall technology has affected the way I live to this day.
-Jenny Birkholz (1)
1.Cell phones have made it easier for me to contact my friends and family when I need to. They are more convenient than pay phones because people have their cell phones with them at all times, and it has a phone book built in. Cell phones are also more helpful for safety purposes, because it can be used whenever it's needed.
2.Individuality can be expressed through the internet because of websites like Myspace or Facebook. Every person can have their own individual webpage, which can be customized to fit their own identity. They can add pictures and information about themselves to further individualize it.
3.My life has changed because it has made it easier to find answers to questions I have. I can use Facebook to contact friends if I need to, or use Google to search for something. However, it has also made it harder to focus on other things, such as homework or doing something outside. The internet is very addicting, and having access to it all day can be very distracting.
4.I think technology has impacted my life for better and for worse. It has made things like research much quicker and easier. Like I mentioned before though, technology is also a big distraction, and it's a hard addiction to get rid of.
5.I think that our teachers try to use technology to improve our learning. We often do online activities or webquests in order to help us understand ideas or topics better. This can sometimes be helpful, but I usually don't like them. I tend to understand concepts much better when the teacher is actually teaching, as opposed to having us complete an online activity. However, I think it is beneficial to have homework posted online because students are able to access it at any time.
6.I don't love Facebook, Myspace, or text messaging. I have a Facebook because everybody else has one, and it is a nice way to keep in contact with people I don't get to see anymore. However, I don't get the point of being on it for hours each day. I do use text messaging occasionally because I can talk to people without actually talking on the phone, which is something I don't like to do. However, all three of these things are causing less face-to-face communication. I think that actually being with the person you are talking to makes the message you are trying to get across much more effective.
7.These programs make it easier because I can send the message at any time, instead of worrying if the person is eating dinner or sleeping or something like that. However, it hinders communication because it's harder to convey a point in writing. There are no facial expressions, hand gestures, or a tone of voice to help convey your message. This makes it harder to say what you really want to say.
8.It impacts the intended audience because a large percentage of the population has access to the internet. Even if you only want a select audience to read something, anybody can access the information if they want to.
9.I don't think it is okay to post anything. the reason is because there are many young children that use the internet, so something illegal or extremely inappropriate should not be posted. In general though, I think people should be able to express their opinions on the internet. Anything that people have to right to say out loud should be able to be written down.
10.I believe that there are many purposes humans have when using technology. The internet is mainly used to spread information and ideas. It is also used to communicate with friends and other people you meet. People's exigence for using the internet is that it is a fast and easy way to accomplish their goal. People are able to contact people living on the other side of the world, and it's free (except for the actual cost of the internet).
-Victoria Ammon
Cell phones allow for communication just about anywhere. Having a cell phone is very useful in calling for a ride from sports or a party, just chatting with friends without tying up your family’s home phone line, and making spontaneous plans. Life is much easier with a cell phone because it is always at your disposal and offers communication to just about anyone. When calling my family and friends with my cell phone, it’s nice to not have to memorize their phone number and be able to simply type in their name to call them. It also allows for more frequent communication, especially if you have unlimited calling or texting with them if they have the same service provider. Basically, cell phones allow for easier and more communication.
I love technology and all of the crazy new features put on phones and the internet lately because any information you might look for is pretty much online. Also, having games or texting on a cell phone or computer is a fun way to pass the time without bothering others around you. In specific, MySpace and Facebook are great internet tools as they allow people to customize their own website. Through these services, you can express your individuality through layout design and colors, music choices, belonging to groups, and different blog posts. It also allows you to chat with friends and comment on the styles of their pages.
By using programs like MySpace or Facebook on the internet, I think that our intended audience can potentially end up being anyone in the world, even if we don’t quite realize it. Text on the internet can be seen by anyone, and most people typing online know this, making their intended audience the whole world (or at least those that own and know how to use a computer). Knowing this, messages are often conveyed differently online than in another situation. Internet text contains messages that an author wants to share (otherwise, it would not be publicized). Often, these messages are stated informally so their intended audience (possibly anyone in the world) will understand it. Of course there are many people incorporating flowery wording and technical language in online text, but I think that the average web surfer uses, and prefers to read, simple, informal text. Also, since MySpace is “the place for friends,” and we often talk with slang and simplistic language with friends, we are limited to informal language if we want to successfully persuade our readers and convey our message clearly to them. Though informal language is the norm in social networking programs, more formal, informative texts are found on the internet for educational purposes.
Technology is very helpful in education. In most classes I have been in, we use the internet to learn about the subject we are studying or even just use power points or videos to learn. I think that these are affective learning strategies and are a nice break from just reading text from the pages of textbooks. Teachers understand their students’ love for technology and try to utilize its benefits when they see fit. Some of my teachers use power points when we take notes in addition to lecturing so that visual learners will understand what we are learning. Plus, we sometimes watch videos to confirm and expand on the subject we are studying.
Personally, I do not think it is okay to post anything on the World Wide Web. Since anyone with a computer and internet has access to the web, they can see anything posted online. There should be strict censorship on the internet. In general, something considered “inappropriate” is not appropriate. It does not belong, even on the internet. I believe that the internet should only contain “appropriate” content because anyone can see it. I do not think that anyone has a legitimate reason to post junk online. As a citizen of humanity, anyone’s exigence in creating text using technology should include the want to inform. (Isn’t that what the internet is about; information?) American citizens have a sense of “right” and “wrong” and, therefore, should make sensible choices as to the purpose of their publicized internet texts and the exigence that drives them to write it. If technology was created to inform and better the world, it should still be used in that way.
Missy Clougher
Technology touches everyone’s lives, and impacts everyone greatly. After all, without technology, many diseases could not be cured. Without technology, communicating with a loved one who lives across town would be difficult, and trying to communicate with one who lives in a different country would only be a thought. A great example of this is when I got my cell phone. After receiving a cell phone, I began to text more than I spoke on the phone. Still, though, my use of the phone also increased greatly. When I was forced to use the house phone, I wouldn’t speak to my friends on the phone very much. Once I was given a cell phone, though, my use of the phone increased by at least 5 hours a week, easily. I still have to call my parents to communicate with them, seeing as they aren’t as tech-savvy as I am, and don’t know how to text, but I find it easier to communicate with other people, such as my friends, through the use of texting.
Still, though, other forms of technology, such as the internet, have impacted people’s lives greatly. After all, sites such as facebook, myspace, yahoo, aol, photobucket, and even youtube help one to express themselves, their individual interests, and communicate with people they know, while meeting new individuals at the same time. After all, users can add their own touch by changing the layout and background, adding pictures, and even adding songs of their choice, helping to personalize their profiles, and express their individuality in the global community. Not only does the internet help people illustrate their likes and dislikes, it also helps people communicate with one another, and keep in touch. This is one of the many reasons that I love to use the internet, and even to text. It is not always appropriate to call someone. Texting is a faster, easier, and less formal way to get information across, or to just say ‘hi’. Using the internet is also very much the same. By using the internet to communicate, it is relatively fast, and the person being spoken to can reply whenever they find it most convenient. While, at times, it becomes difficult to convey your message, seeing as there can’t really be a very defined tone to what you are typing, as there would be if you were speaking it, the person you are usually talking to is a good friend, so they understand what you are trying to say, so the message I would be trying to convey would, in the end, come across the way it was intended.
Still, though, we are well aware of the fact that once something is put onto the internet, it is out there forever. We are also aware of the fact that just about anyone can access what we write, regardless of how secure the site may say it is. Due to these reasons, most people are more cautious about what they put up online. Also, regardless of what some people think, not everything is allowed to be posted online. Although we have the freedom of speech and press, we cannot express ourselves in a way that may be distasteful, or disrespectful to others.
The internet has made it faster and easier to communicate with people, and still, continues to improve its speed. Being able to communicate with one another online within a second is not even regarded as a miracle anymore, but is rather just one of the many luxuries of life. Now, for example, if I forget my homework at school, I can go on the internet to the school website and look for the homework. If the worksheet/homework is not there, I can always go on aol, facebook, myspace, etc. and ask a friend for the homework. Technology has not only made it easier to communicate, but has also made it easier to obtain needed information with greater ease.
Still, though, I feel that technology has impacted my education in positive ways as well as negative ones. Although I can always go onto the internet and look for answers to something I don’t understand, I can also go on the internet for everything, and breeze through class, while learning absolutely nothing. While some teachers encourage us to use online resources to try and resolve problems that we don’t understand, others discourage us to do so, and, instead, say to come in for help.
As for purpose and exigence, our purposes as human beings in using technology to create and disseminate text could be numerous. One could be that we wish to be heard by a larger audience. Another could be that we wish to complete tasks faster, with greater ease, for which we use various websites such as myspace, facebook, aol, and yahoo upon many others. Another could be that we wish to keep in touch with our loved ones. Still, another could be that we wish to meet new people. We are compelled to do this because we don’t need to be as patient when using the internet. Another reason we do this may be to be less formal, or even to feel more comfortable, seeing as we don’t necessarily speak what we are saying, for which reason we feel less ashamed, because we feel more detached from it for some reason.
Amina Iqbal
1.Cell phones have made communication with friends and family effortless. Now I can inform my parents where I am without having to wait till I go to someone’s home to call them.
2.An example I show my individually is on MySpace. On MySpace they let one change the profile layout and have a custom song. Also they let one add anything else the user wants to add to their profile.
3.Honestly, I see no change in my life because I have grown up with the current technology and I have no personal experience to compare to.
4.This blog is an example of the impact of technology. Students can now exchange ideas over the internet after school hours. Also research for any subject has become efficient and easier.
5.I think that teachers are trying to infusion the new technology to improve the learning experience, but some teachers have better technology skills than others. For some classes, the schedule and homework are online for the students to view and arrange there schedule.
6.I personally like Facebook, MySpace, text messaging, etc. because it is a way to communicate without having the awkward silences that come with phone conversations. Sometimes one just has a short but not significant message to express. Text messaging allows the user to communicate the message quickly.
7.Facebook hinders communication because one misses the human quality interaction. One misses the human tone, for example, sarcasm becomes a useless device to use on Facebook, but on the phone the message is not lost.
8.Anyone can stumble on a text that we post to the World Wide Web. If one posts a comment to someone profile, the intended audience is the person the profile belongs too, but anyone who views that profile can also read that comment.
9.Yes it is appropriate because that is one the bill of rights that is granted to everyone, but responsibility also comes with the rights. When posting it has to be appropriate to the situation. One cannot watch a Barney video on YouTube and then comment swears to the video because children could see that post.
10.Human are social and intuitive creatures by nature. Technology helps us socialize and gather information easily such as blogging sites. The purpose of most blog is to get across messages to audiences, and that help satisfy our human nature.
1. My cell phone has not changed the way I talk to my family, but it has greatly changed how I talk to my friends. Before I got a cell phone, I would call my friends from home to make plans or ask a question. This call would usually lead into small talk or catching up in some way. Now, on the other hand, I use my cell phone to text friends when I am looking for a direct response. I still call sometimes for conversation, but not nearly as often.
2. To express my individuality in a global community, I try to personalize anything that has the option of being personalized. Everything from font colors and pictures to how I fill out the "About Me" sections somehow represents who I am.
3. I have noticed that since communication has become more accessible, my plans have been less...planned. I used to have times and places all figured out, but it has come to the point where I just say, "Yeah, we'll talk later." We always do end up talking later whether through texts, IMs or messages of any kind. But as a result of the lack of planning, situations become a lot more chaotic for no reason.
4. I think technology has positively impacted my education. An example of this impact is regarding research. Researching online has taught me how to identify credible sources and use multiple sources. Now I can more efficiently do research and actually be confident in my results.
5. On average, I think that my teachers do a great job with incorporating technology into the classroom to improve my learning. In my French class, we record ourselves speaking and then listen back. Listening to myself speak helps me focus on what I need to improve, something I could not have done otherwise. Also, in my freshman Biology class, we watched videos explaining biological processes. Because I am a visual learner, being able to watch a video of a process allowed me to see it from another aspect and better understand the content.
6. I like (not love) Facebook, MySpace, and texting so much because they allow me to keep constant communication with people who I might otherwise grow apart from. Many of my friends and I have very busy schedules that are most often conflicting. I also have friends who live far that even if I were free, seeing them often would be very difficult. Facebook, MySpace, and texting allow us to get past these factors. We can keep up communication at our leisure and prevent friendships from fading away.
7. Programs like Facebook and MySpace can help convey a message by being concise. Most of the time, there is no small talk or distractions to get in the way of answering a question. Messages are very direct and to the point. On the other hand, these programs can also hinder conveying a message. In everyday conversation I am pretty sarcastic and I joke a lot. When typed out, though, those remarks can be easily misinterpreted because the delivery is not there to give away that I am not serious. So unless the person I am communicating with knows me well enough, I have to be sure they will not mistakenly take something the wrong way.
8. The World Wide Web impacts the intended audience of a text by taking away the intimacy of the author-audience relationship. Because anyone can read it, the author might have to be more careful in what they say to be sure they will not offend anyone. Instead of writing a text for a specific group of people, the author knows that they are writing that text for anyone who stumbles upon their website.
9. Because I strongly believe in free speech, I think it is okay to post anything onto the World Wide Web. However, I know that doing this can be an issue since young children can access most of it. Because of that, I also believe that there should be some kind of warning or rating like you would see at the beginning of a movie on television. It would not necessarily prevent children from finding posts not intended for them, but warnings could help it be monitored.
10. Our role as citizens of humanity affects our purpose more than our exigence in using technology to create texts. An exigence in creating a text using technology would be the same as exigence in any other situation, but a purpose would not. When an author decides to use technology in creating a text, it is usually because of one of two reasons. The first is that they have a message they want to send quickly. Technology allows this to happen because speed is one of its focuses. The second is that the author has a message that they want to send to the masses. Whether its a mass text or e-mail, a post on a blog, or the creation of a website, the goal is to get as many people as possible to view the message.
-Brianna Saviano
In today's society, we are becoming more and more dependant on technology. It is a way for people to communicate and also to stay in touch with the rest of the world while sitting at home in front of the computer. Nowadays, everyone has a cell phone whereas fifteen years ago it was less common. Cell phones have changed the way we communicate with out friends because they are more convenient. Lets say we are still living in a world without cell phones and I have plans to meet up with my friends, I would have to call every one of them at their houses to plan a time and place, but what if something changes while I am driving there? There is no possible way for me to call them to let them know I might be late. Cell phones prevent frustrating problems like this one; I can just send a quick mass text and let all of my friends know at one time.
Many of us take the internet for granted. We use it so frequently and it requires such little effort. The internet allows individuals to express themselves to other individuals who live on the opposite side of the world. This comes in handy when you have family that lives that far, you can send them an e-mail and attached pictures in a matter of minutes and receive a response quickly too.
For me, being able to communicate 24 hrs a day is something I don’t think I can live without. Communication is so important weather it is just for fun, a relaxed conversation or an important issue that needs to be discussed right away. Having the ability to contact that person at any time of day is such a relief. When something is bothering me, i need to get it off my chest; I would hate having to wait until a later time to bring up the issue at hand.
Technology has impacted my education both positively and also in a negative manner. The internet is a tool I often use for educational purposes but this may hinder me more than help me. Anyone can post anything on the internet, they are not always correct but at the same time, if I can find a reliable source online, it helps my education. It is hard to say the weather technology impacts my education for either better or worse when it does both.
Students are not the only ones who use technology as an educational tool, teachers do too. Teachers often post school related things online. Things such as calendars with schedules so we as students can be more prepared or post blogs online for those who are uncomfortable with speaking in class but have valuable things to say. Without technology, we would not be able to have the visual aid of PowerPoints. Teachers who use technology to help improve our education are a step ahead of those who don’t.
I love texting and I love Facebook. I do both daily. Texting is a casual way of talking to someone; it is not as intimate as a face to face conversation which at times may be inappropriate and a little awkward. Texting allows me to talk to someone I have just met and the conversation can be kept at a slow pace when both parties have time to consider what they want to say versus the face to face conversation where things to talk about can run out quickly leaving both parties uncomfortable. The same with Facebook, besides being a great way to meet new people, it is also a less formal way of keeping in touch with friends and family. Although I use Facebook a lot, I realize the way it hinders my ability to convey a message. The best way to get to know someone is probably face to face because you never really know for sure who is on the other end of your conversation through Facebook and within that conversation, it is impossible to note the sarcasm or anger, or excitement and all other emotions and body language. Many times it is quite possible there are misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
When someone posts something on the World Wide Web, it is pretty much impossible to box out unintended audiences. Of course there are ways parents and teachers can block certain sites but kids are smart, they can just go to another computer where those websites are not blocked. The intended audience of say, Facebook is probably towards someone high school and older, not a kid in elementary school but since computers have no way of stopping a 6th grader from creating a fake account, an unintended audience member can now have access to Facebook.
Is it ok to post anything on the World Wide Web? Well, there is nothing physically stopping you but is it a wise decision to post controversial topic? That is a choice of the author. When people choose to post offensive or incriminating things online that might bother others, since they have the free speech to express their feelings and ideas, they should not be surprised when other people agree of oppose their beliefs. Freedom of speech works both ways, both for the author and the audience.
My role as an American citizen affects my purpose or exigence when using technology to create and disseminate text because I can use technology to express how I feel and share it with poepe around the world.
As time passes, we, as humans, become more and more dependent on technology to communicate with others. The use of cellphones and the internet make it easier for people to communicate with friends, business associates, and family. The increased use of technology is frequently referred to as negative, but it can also be very positive.
The use of cell phones has substantially increased how much I communicate with my family and friends. Always having my phone, either in my pocket, in my purse or in my hand, makes it so much easier to talk/text with someone without any trouble. Instead of always having to use a landline or e-mail to converse with someone, I just have to reach in my back pocket if I want to talk to someone. Since it is so easy to communicate with one another now-a-days, talking on the phone and more so texting, has become some what of an addiction. Personally, I know that I can't go through one school day without texting at least once. I do not know why, but I just can not. I guess it is because that since my phone is so accessable and is always at my side, that why not use it? It's right there.
The use of the internet affects the way I express my individuality as a person. The use of the internet almost hinders the way I portray myself. I believe that I am not only speaking for myself when I say that when I put up information or little facts about myself on the web on Facebook, Myspace, that I post a more clean cut cersion of myself. I do not put up my most embarrassing little quirks or the weird things I do, I post the "interesting" facts about me, the music, sports, books, and movies that I like, and who my closest friends are. Even though the embarrassing quirks and weird things I do could be argued a being interesting. :)
With the access of technology at our fingertips 24 hours a day, our education has been impacted for the better and for the worse. The increase in technology makes it easier to retrieve information and to put together projects. It also helps students know how they are doing in each class and what their homework is for each night. The increased use of technology has also hindered the impact of education on children. We have become so dependent on computers, calculators, and other forms of technology. Instead of learning everything we're supposed to be being taught, we are just punching it into the keyboard or into the calculator.
I believe that the use of technology has been a great tool in helping teachers educate their students. I also think that some teachers, not all, have also come dependent on technology. Whereas most teachers use technology - PowerPoint, tutorials, etc - to emphasize their point or to help engage their students in the lesson, other teachers rely solely on technology to teach kids.
I love Facebook, Myspace, and text messaging so much because they are so easy to use. They are also less time consuming and more impersonal. I can text without even looking down and can finish one within seconds. If I was writing a letter, or actually talking on the phone, it would take much more time. I do not know about anyone else, but I feel that I can say more through text or instant message than I can in a face to face conversation. Talking through text or through IM (Instant Messenger) makes conversations less awkward and more easy going than if I were to talk to that someone in person. Obviously if I was talking to my best friend, it wouldn't matter if I was talking to them in person or via text, but for instance, when I'm talking to a guy I like, or a situation like that, it brings the awkward level down a notch.
I feel that Myspace and Facebook helps to convey whatever message you may have. I think this is true because Myspace and Facebook reach out to a more general and wider range of audience and they also reach out to a greater audience. You can reach out to people you may not be the closest friends with and more than just the people that you talk with everyday at school or work. Also the use of the World Wide Web impacts who we may think our intended audience may be. We may think that if we publish a nursery rhyme, for instance, in a book our intended audience would be children, but if we post that same nursery rhyme on a blog, we have to increase the possibilites of our intended audience because a wider range of audience is more likely to read it if it is on the web.
I think that you can post anything you want on the internet but in doing so, you need to be aware of the responses you may recieve. If you are posting a blog and you are very bias in that blog, you have the right to do so but on the other hand so do the people that may respond to your blog.
I believe that being an American citizen affects my purpose and exigence. I feel this way because when creating your purpose, you have to take into account your intended audience. Being American, I think makes myself more close-minded and not aware that someone in some other country could be reading the text that I am putting out there, via the web, etc. I most likely am boxing out audiences from other cultures because I almost am always creating a text that had to do with a book, or occurance that happened in America.
In conclusion, I feel that technology both helps and hinders how we communicate, learn, and convey a message.
Since I can text on my cell phone, I'm now more used to impersonal means of communication. I have even become more concise and impersonal in the way I speak in person due to my excessive use of texting on my cell phone.
My life is much more manageable due my constant access to communication. If I ever forget a certain homework assignment, thanks to easy technology, I am able to almost immediately find out what the homework was. However, my constant access to communication with others is sometimes detrimental. I pay less attention to important tasks in order to chat with friends.
I like Facebook and Myspace because they offer simple ways of maintaining long-distance friendships, as well as communicating with the friends nearby. They also provide a quick yet creepy, stalker-like way to keep up on news within my social circle.
Facebook and Myspace act as obstacles in my ability to communicate a message because they do not appropriately display my excessive use of sarcasm and cynicism. Many times, if I say something to friends in a sarcastic manner, they do not fully understand what I am trying to say because the tone of my voice isn’t carried through.
Since almost anyone can read my Facebook or Myspace page, my intended audience isn’t very clear. I intend to speak to people within my school, or within my age group that I know. My intended audience is not a forty-year-old man from Utah, yet he can easily read and see what I put up on my page.
--Devin Ross
1. Having a cell phone allows me to communicate frequently with my parents and because of this, I am able to have more freedom. Also, by having a cell phone I am able to keep in contact with my friends no matter where I am.
2. When I use AIM to talk to my friends, I express my individuality by the font, the color, my screen name and my word choice. I do not use online social networks such as facebook or myspace.
3. Since I was born into a generation where 24-hour communication already exists, I have not experienced a change in my life style. When I was younger I had no need to communicate constantly and once my life demanded it I was able to. 24-hour communication is important because it allows me to keep in contact with people whenever I need it.
4. Technology has impacted my education in many ways. It allows me to do homework online and it is a great source of information when doing research. It can be bad because it tempts me to plagiarize, which is illegal. I sometimes rely too much on the Internet and use it as a short cut to do my work. For example, when I do not want to read I use Spark Notes to cover up for what I did not do.
5. Teachers use technology to improve learning by putting up fun learning actives online to help students better understand the material. For example, in Spanish and in AP US History teachers put up mini quizzes for students to take to help them understand what they are learning. Also in AP Chemistry, homework is online so that students can just email it to their teacher.
6. I hate Facebook and Myspace, so I refuse to use them. I love txt messaging because it allows me to connect with my friends quickly.
7. Facebook and Myspace hinder your ability to convey a message because of the abbreviations that are used. People who understand certain abbreviations are able to understand the message but the people who do not know them are excluded.
8. The Internet impacts who we think our intended audience is, by making us censor what we say. Since we do not know who is going to be reading what we write, we tend to exclude certain things we would normally say.
9. You do have freedom of speech and the freedom to express your feelings but only in the appropriate settings. For example, you cannot use profane language on websites meant for children.
10. As American citizens our exigency in using technology is to communicate with the people around us. We create blog’s and send emails to get our messages across to co-works or friends. As humans we have a need to communicate with others and technology allows us to do this in an efficient manner.
Technology changes many aspects within a person’s life even though they don’t realize it. The usage of my cell phone allows me to be more mobile when communicating with my family and friends. It allows me to talk with them even though I have a busy schedule which does not allow me to talk to them from home. Along with cell pone usage, communication through the internet is also a big part in our society today. The internet allows me to express myself by giving me opportunities to talk with people from different parts of the world. Also being able to create webs sites or web pages about my morals and beliefs has become a positive way in which I can express myself. Being able to communicate with people 24 hours a day through either the internet or phone puts me at ease when I can’t speak to someone in person. Tasks such as asking questions about homework or needing to reach someone in times of an emergency can happen effectively because of my ability to communicate 24 hours a day. Technology also impacts our ability to retrieve information for school. It impacts our education in a good way by allowing students more resources to gain information. However, if using technology poorly, or just using it in order to get something done quickly, it can impact our education in a bad way. Some teachers highly recommend the use of technology to expand on what we already know and to access different tools to help us improve grades or test scores. On the other hand some teachers discourage it because many students have the tendency to abuse the use of technology. Many kids are attracted to sites such as Facebook or Myspace. For me, I view it as a way to bond with people my age and communicate with them all in one place. Text messaging is also popular because it gives people the ability to have short conversations between each other without the need to pick up the phone and risk possibly having an awkward conversation. Programs such as Myspace and Facebook help people convey their message. Everyone’s home page is a unique expression of who they are. It allows people to present themselves in a creative manner. When conveying a message through the internet, we tend to think more carefully about who our audience might be. When posting something on the internet the whole world had the opportunity to view what a person had said. So because the whole world can see what a person posts, it impacts our consideration of who our intended audience might be. Posting what I want, or having my freedom of speech, on the internet is not always a good thing. Although having freedom of speech is viewed in a positive way, a person must be careful of what they post when stating their opinions because of possible consequences. The role as American citizens governs our purpose and exigence when broadcasting our opinions through technology. As citizens we must remember to appeal to everyone and not discriminate against others and therefore being an American citizen affects the purpose of broadcasting what we feel as well as our exigence.
Technology has become a basic necessity for society in that it is used in almost all aspects of life. Not only does it speed up the process of communication through sending emails rather than mailing envelopes, but it also eliminates the inability to stay in contact with peers through the use of cell phones. Being able to communicate easily anytime I need to gives me easy access to help for homework, keeps me updated on situations that may cause changes in schedules, and can inform me on the status of my favorite sports teams. Communication through cell phones makes life easier overall, especially for teenagers. The use of text messaging creates a way to communicate with specific people without leaving another conversation. It also allows the author to send the same message to multiple people without having to take the time to talk to everyone individually. Since conveying information is much easier while using technology, educators now tend to use it to their advantage. Powerpoint presentations as well as daily schedules online can be accessed by students and help them prepare for upcoming assignments. Technology also hurts students because some teachers abuse technology, which usually bores the students.
Sanup Desai
Using a cell phone has greatly changed the way I communicate with my family and friends. At first, before I was able to text, I only called people when I had questions, now I communicate more through texting. Without my cell phone, I probably would not talk to people as much, through texting or talking. I do not like to talk on the phone too often so I tend to communicate with others through texts.
People can express their individuality on the Internet by having their own website. I can express my individuality by posting up thoughts or poetry through websites such as Live Journal. Or others can start blogs such as this one to talk about anything they would like and post up any images to represent themselves. Almost all programs on the computer have an option to personalize the program in some way through the colors, font size, type of font, and format.
I think being able to communicate with other 24 hours a day through the use of cell phones or the Internet has kind of consumed teenagers' lives. The majority of teenagers spend a lot of time texting in school, or talking on AIM, or using websites such as Facebook and Myspace. Even when hanging out with friends or family, texting is still going on and taking away from that valuable time.
Technology has impacted education for the better. It is now much easier to obtain information about research topics because I do not have to look through a bunch of books to find an answer. This blog can also be an example because students can learn through other students by reading what their thoughts are.
For the most part, teachers use technology in extremely helpful ways. Through the use of internet, teachers can post up schedules online so the students are informed of what is going on. Also through the use of programs, like this blog, students have a place where they can express their individual thoughts, another way to express self-expression. In my band class, we use technology to record ourselves to hear how we sound; this is extremely helpful because it helps us improve our sound overall.
I love Myspace, Facebook, and texting because it keeps me close to my friends. I have many friends who do not live near me and so texting helps me stay connected to the people who I do not regularly see everyday. I’m not saying that without Myspace, Facebook, and texting that I would lose all contact with my distant friends, but they just help me stay connected. Also, because junior year is such a busy year, being able to text, or send messages through Myspace and Facebook, helps me communicate with my friends here.
Programs like Myspace and Facebook help convey messages, but they also hinder them. Online, messages are usually concise and to the point, leaving no room for interpretation. On the other hand, those programs might hinder the message I’m trying to send out because emotion is hard to decipher on the computer. My sense of humor is extremely sarcastic, so people might misinterpret that and not get the message I intended for them to get.
The World Wide Web impacts our intended audience because anyone can look at what we have to say, but then again, the same goes for books. I doubt Tim O’Brien intended juniors in high school to be his intended audience, but we are an audience.
I believe it is alright to post anything up on the World Wide Web because we all have the freedom of speech. If something on the Internet offends a reader, well the reader has the choice to stop reading it or voice their opinion to the writer. Some people might write about topics unsuitable for some audiences and usually there should be a warning about if it is appropriate or not. The freedom of speech is one of the most important freedoms and everyone’s voice should be heard.
When we use technology to send out a message, we usually use it so the message is sent quickly. Using technology allows us to get our messages across quickly and to many people all at once. The exigence would be to get the message across quickly, for some it might be to get their message out to as many people as possible through the use of a blog, website, or advertising. The purpose of course is whatever they wanted to accomplish through the sending of their message.
-Sonal Chaudhari
I think that technology has had a great positive impact on society and learning as a whole. When I first got a cell phone it completely revolutionized my ability to communicate with my friends and parents. It allowed me to make calls from anywhere so I had more freedom to go where I wanted without my parents worrying. I could also call my friends no matter where they were and get them to hang out with much less effort. When I got texting a year ago it made communication even easier. I like texting so much because with it I can have a conversation with many people at once and I have time to think about what I’m saying before I say it. Since I have started texting, I haven’t said anything stupid or anything that I wish I hadn’t said. The only problems with programs like MySpace, Facebook, and texting result from the loss of tone, body language, and physical action as tools of communication. If, for example, a person attempts to text a sarcastic comment and they forget to put “jk” or “lol” on the end it can easily be misinterpreted. However, this occurrence dosen’t create too many problems and the benefits of text communication.
In Education, technology has come to play an increasingly important role as the years pass. When I started school, I remember that our teacher always used overhead projectors that just put light behind an image and put the shadow of that image on a screen. These projectors seem ancient compared to the color digital projectors and computers that teachers commonly use now. The new projectors help to communicate lessons more effectively and help students to learn faster and more accurately. Technology in school has become so common that teachers use it in almost all of their lessons. Most of the teachers I have use either Elmo projectors or power point daily. Those that don’t use these two tools still use technology. In one class, computer science, each student has his own computer while in other classes teachers use the technology of dry erase markers. Since technology appears so commonly in education, as technology improves, so will education.
The internet has probably had the greatest impact of any technology to date and it has vastly expanded the audiences of everything. Now when something appears online the audience becomes everyone with internet access not just who it was intended for. Authors have to make their appeal more universal to have online success. As citizens of America and humanity we should use the internet to influence others positively because if so many people can see what we say, then we should say something good. However, I also believe that it is ok to post anything online. If rules are ever imposed I think that someone will take them too far and block something that shouldn’t be blocked. Also, I believe that it would be near impossible to enforce any internet posting rules since each server is an autonomous unit and even the best security programs can be broken. The internet should be used with responsibility and caution but limited in no aspect by rules or regulations.
My cell phone is valuable to me. I could live without it; however, there would be less communication between my distant friends and me. Whenever I am in emergency or in need, phones make the conversation go a lot faster than exchanging letters. I can’t conclude that cell phones help relationships to tighten because sometimes there could be miscommunications, but if I need to know something really fast and get efficient information, I always know that my phone is available and so are my friends.
On internet, in an open conversation about any topic, I can take any side I want and express my own opinion. Since I’m not very extroverted, in a global community, I can open myself and show my individuality more confidently than when I’m actually debating face to face.
I love being able to communicate whenever I want to. If there was no technology such as internet, life would be a lot more complicated and slow. But with the ability to communicate easily with others, my life became more social and involved in others’ lives and them in mine.
Technology sometimes impacts my education for worse. Because I always have my cell phone at my side, I’m constantly checking my phone and calling or texting someone. I consider my phone as a distraction since I can’t really stop myself from communicating with others. However, most of the times, technology impacts my education for better. On internet, I can always look for sites that can help me on a subject that I might be confused about. Also when I need an explanation, I can always call a friend and get an answer right away rather than wait until the next day. That way, I can learn a lot faster and clearer.
Some teachers encourage students to look online for more activities or for further studies. Because there are so many sources on internet, even teachers refer to some sites for where they get their lessons and take advantage of them. This blog is a technology that helps students to express their opinions. Through this blog, students can look at their classmates’ opinions and learn from their comments. Also emails with teachers can help the students in learning things they don’t understand and help the teachers too to grasp on where their students are at.
The purpose of Facebook and Myspace is to make an individual known. Most high school students make a Facebook because it spreads their names around and maybe make themselves more popular through it. I personally love Facebook because I can get in touch with others through it with people that I feel uncomfortable with on the phone. Also, on Facebook, I can check what others are doing recently and get updated on the new trends or gossip. But I like text messaging more than Facebook or Myspace because I can communicate with my friends whenever and I don’t need to have an awkward conversation on the phone for short responses. Text messaging can get rid of the uncomfortable feeling and makes communication easier for socially awkward people.
Because Facebook and Myspace are so out in the open, sometimes I hold my deeper thoughts back. I rephrase most of the message I try to convey and that interrupts the flow of my message transferred to my friend. Also writing short comments on Facebook or Myspace only states brief and concise notes and leaves the details out which disrupts the audience from really understanding.
When we post something on the internet, everyone becomes a potential audience. In the World Wide Web, our text could be spread anywhere and the meaning of the message disappears as it gets more known.
It is ok to post speeches that involve the public in the World Wide Web because people need to recognize them. For example the speeches from the presidential candidates are posted in Youtube for the public to look at and consider the speeches carefully. However, some are too private to be publicized and needs confirmation before it is in the World Wide Web.
As American citizens, our main exigence to use technology and use cell phone or Facebook is the need for communal bond. Sometimes we feel isolated or secluded which forces us to talk on the phone or constantly check updates on Facebook. Because we tend to go along with other online, we begin to lose our individuality and our unique thoughts.
1. My cell phone changed a lot in my life. My communication became more through texts through my phone than actually talking. It became more comfortable to talk about my problems through texts instead of face-to-face. I hate this fact. I am trying to break away from this habit of mine because I know that this isn't how communication should be.
2. Through the internet I show individuality with the type of language I use, the punctuation, and the smilies which I use. When I am corresponding through the internet, my friends can easily tell it is me talking even if I am using a username which I usually don't use. I tend to send quotes and songs through the internet to others in order to convey my feelings as well.
3. My life has changed because I am able to contact my brothers more often. They are the two people whom mean the world to me. They are the most important people in my life and technology has made it so much easier for me to keep in contact since they live so far away. Also, I am able to contact my friends more often. I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing because since there is constant communication there is also a higher risk of drama since there are more chances to fight.
4. Technology has made education a lot easier for me because I can type much faster than I can write. I can find information much faster through the internet than through text books. Also, I am always on the internet (which is not a good thing in my opinion), so I can easily check my assignments when they are posted online. A piece of technology that has made my education worse is my iPod. I am constantly using it when I should not be which disrupts my learning.
5. My teachers definitely use technology to help improve my learning. Many post assignments online in order to make it easier for students to remember since most of us use the internet a lot. Also, some teachers put text books online which also help students with learning because of features on computers which make finding information in documents much easier.
6. I love all of the types of communication through technology because I feel so much more connected to people. The technology makes contact available 24 hours a day which makes a sort of bond that was not around before. For example, in relationships boyfriends and girlfriends now tend to talk on the phone until late at night. This amount of time they get to spend talking and getting to know each other even better was not available before technology.
7. Communicating your feelings through technology may be difficult. You can not show your true emotions despite our overuse of punctuation and smiley faces. Uses of language such as sarcasm are hard to convey. It is very hard to understand the tone of which the person is saying what they are saying.
8. The World Wide Web allows the actual audience of the text to increase in size even if the intended audience doesn't change. This may make the message unclear to many people who read the text since they were not the intended audience to begin with.
9. Free speech seems to be very debatable. I think that people should be allowed to say whatever they want to say but then I do not agree with statements which hurt others. I think that text which is posted on the World Wide Web should be peaceful.
10. I think as American citizens we use technology for different purposes than other countries. In my opinion, American citizens seem to be much more selfish than citizens of other countries. Many Americans use the internet in order to benefit themselves so that they can gain in profit or pride.
Technology. Just the word seems significant. This feeling embodies the same one I felt when I received my first cell phone, I-Pod, and laptop. With all three of these technological accessories, my routine communication with my friends and family changed slightly. Unlike some of my peers, I rarely speak longer than 5 minutes on my cell phone, and the dialogue, in turn, remains terse. In contrast, my dialogue in person may range from 10 minutes to 2 hours. In my case, the technology creates the difference because when on a phone, I feel aloof from the person I am talking to. With my family and friends, I dislike this feeling and unconsciously attempt to communicate less through technological barriers.
However, the internet and the features it poses strangely attracts me and as I can tell, many others. Programs such as Facebook and Myspace allow my individuality to show through certain layouts, pictures I add, or “bumper stickers”. These three examples depend on your creativity and personal opinions, which fall under self-expression. The process of communicating online remains truly unique through these programs. Facebook allows you to “poke”, message, and become a part of some group. These features help bond people together and act as different means of communicating with new people or people you know. This point may be just another reason for why these programs are so popular. People naturally enjoy socializing and meeting new people.
Technology certainly does not always benefit society. Now with everything at our fingertips, we seem to be forgetting our manual labor! As dystopian books Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 warn, society may become so dependent on technology that humanity as well as our much needed ecology will erode. Hopefully, our dependence will not lead to conditions that embody movies like The Matrix, Eagle Eye, The Island, and I Am Legend (which happen to be my favorite movies). The accessibility of technology is very helpful, but the question of whether we truly need it remains omnipresent. If ages before us survived without so much technology, I believe we can too. I live by the motto that “Everything is its own medicine and poison.” Thus, I believe that technology is a “medicine”; it proves very successful in many situations, and aides society everyday. However, if used in excess, technology will become a “poison” that will infect us to the point of no return.
-Sonia Lipov
Technology has changed the way that the world works and functions. It is nearly impossible to live today without using any technology. I would not consider myself a technology addict, but I would say that technology plays a large part in my life.
My cell phone has changed the way that I interact with my family and friends. In regards to family, I feel like connecting with them is much easier. With a cell phone, I can now communicate more often and more honestly than before. With a landline, I constantly had to censor myself incase someone was listening on the other end. I can now text freely (as long as “freely” is 160 characters or less).
The internet helps me express myself better. I used to have a blog on this same website. (Please don’t look for it. I beg you.) At the time, it helped give me an outlet for my humor. Now, I can use the internet to express my views to the world in arenas other than the web. Something as simple as ordering a Lupe Fiasco t-shirt online or clicking on every single link that shows up when I Google “Stephen Colbert” is one of the many ways that I can express and strengthen my views.
My life has not changed much by being able to communicate 24 hours a day. I am notorious among my friends for not responding to a text until about 3 days later, simply because I kept my phone off for that long. I am also a rather solitary person. I absolutely love human company, but there is nothing that I enjoy more that reading an IKEA catalog and cranking up the Marcy’s Playground on a Sunday afternoon.
Technology has drastically improved the scholastic world. In English, I can earn points by sitting at home and blogging. Many of my homework assignments are posted online, which makes time management much easier. To combine this with the next question, I think that teachers use technology to make the learning process better.
Oh Facebook. Why do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Facebook, for me, provides much needed comic relief. I love when random people I barely know send me friend requests. It makes me feel like I may actually be interesting and attractive. And I know random people who search for high school students on Facebook shouldn’t be trusted, but the attention is still nice. Just recently, someone that I’m very interested in sent me a friend request. And sure, it was probably just to be nice, but it’s nice to know that someone thought about me and could spell my name correctly.
Facebook really helps people convey messages. For example, Kal Penn, known for his starring role in Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, has a Facebook account. He accepts everyone that sends him a friend request. He has been spending all of his time working for the Obama campaign. People that liked him for the hilarious character he played are now aware of his cause.
I think that the internet helps expand our intended audience. When I ordered furniture for my room from, there was a link at the bottom that said others that ordered this also ordered…and then listed many different products. The makers of the Target website knew that this technique would be effective. By showing patrons other products that look good with their purchase, the Target Corporation is making more money.
I think it is okay to post anything online. I have come across some statements online that I find offensive. Saying that Obama is a Muslim and therefore an unworthy candidate for president is not only offensive, it’s narrow-minded. But at the same time, I know that my liberal views may be greeted with a criticism from many. And I feel that all of my views deserve to be expressed, so it is hypocritical for me to try and silence other people’s views, no matter how much I may disagree with them.
Technology helps us achieve our purpose and exigence as citizens of the world. Since there is no filter online, news stories and current events that would not receive attention now can. People can change the world simply by using the internet for the better. This presidential election had ordinary people ask the candidates questions by using to post their questions and concerns. Technology helped these people get their questions answered and make a well informed decision.
Safia Kazi
1. My cell phone has changed the way I communicate for both good and bad. The good way that it has changed the way I communicate is that before if I just wanted to see what someone was up to, I would not call them because I did not want to bother them if they were busy. Now I can simply send a text message to someone and if they are busy I do not feel as intrusive. The one bad effect that my cell phone has on me is that I no longer know as many numbers by heart as I used to, because now they are all saved in my phones contacts.
2. The only way I usually express myself on the internet is by my facebook. I am able to show my favorite TV shows or colors, but most of all this is also another way for me to connect with multiple friends and we are all able to express our feelings on certain matter or keep in touch over summer or later on in life.
3. My life has changed because now I am able to find out certain things if it were not for such advanced technologies. For example I am able to find out if an event time has changed or if something is cancelled because of the weather, without having to show up and worry about why I am the only person there. Also I am able to notify someone if I am running late or something happens and I can not make an event.
4. I believe technology has bettered my education because I am able to find information through various resources. I believe technology has also hindered my education. I believe because so many documents are typed my handwriting has hindered, but I just need to work on it in other ways then.
5. Yes, my teachers leverage technology in a few different ways. Most of my teachers have me use programs such as word; this helps me realize if some of my spelling is off thanks to word check, also I am able to fix my own mistakes with ease. My teachers also encourage me to e-mail them if I have any questions.
6. The main reason I love facebook and text messaging is because it keeps me in touch with people. Now sure it would be better if we met and actually talked in person, but I am usually very busy so with the luxury of the internet and my cell phone, I am able to keep in touch on the go and also with people who may not live close to me.
7. Programs like facebook could hinder your message because someone might take what you say out of context. If someone that is not a part of your intended audience reads a comment you leave for someone else and they do not understand the whole situation, they could assume that you meant something totally different. Also if someone has a question about a statement someone made they can not ask them right away, they might have to wait days to get a response and the process could take a long time.
8. The web does help us consider who our intended audience is, because if you type a message on facebook most of the time the message is going to be read by your friends and classmates. At the same time if you create your own blog and voice your opinions you do not know who would be reading it, but you would know that most of the people who continue to read probably share a lot of the same opinions as you.
9. When it comes to free speech yes everyone has a right to their own opinion, but when someone makes a comment or posts something else online that can bring harm to someone physically and emotionally then it is not right.
10. Our purpose and exigence are affected because someone can put something on the internet to convey their purpose, but on the internet, just like in books, you are unable to see behind the exigency of the document. This is opposed to seeing someone voice their opinion on a matter in public, you are able to see that a person must feel exigency of some kind if they are voicing their opinion, no matter what the consequences.
-- Rachel Kakareka
Cell phones have helped a lot in communicating with my family because we are so spread out. Some of my siblings live in Minnesota, so we do not get a chance to see each other very often. All of us have busy schedules, and it is rare that we are all home at the same time. Thanks to cell phones, my siblings call when I’m at my friends, at the store, or on my way to school related functions. With my friends, I can call to say I’m on my way to pick them up, get answers to questions about SHO or homework, or just talk when I am stuck at home and bored.
On Facebook, a persons individuality can be expressed through the groups they join, the friends they request, bumper stickers, what they are a “Fan” of, and the Personal Info section as a whole. The “status” portion of your profile can express how you are feeling on a day to day basis.
Being able to communicate 24/7 has made life much simpler. You can message, text, or email anyone when it best fits your schedule, and when they are free, they are able to respond back. On the negative side, getting woken up at 2 in the morning because someone else cannot sleep is not so fun for me.
Technology has impacted our education in many ways. On a good side, most textbooks are now online, which can make getting home easier if we don’t have to lug around a giant book. When researching for a paper or a project, it is easier to get access to quality information, and you can do it at home. Slide shows can make it easier on teachers, because they do not have to write large amounts of information eight times a day. On the dark side, sometimes the internet does not work, which can make certain elements of education problematic. If my internet was to break this weekend, Mr. Robin would blame me for not blogging ahead of time, and my grade would be an F.
Teachers use technology in order to better their students every day. Slide shows provide information in a clear, easy to understand way. There are many websites dedicated to education, and some have videos, which are good for visual learner. Web quests require a student to search for information, but it is interactive, which best fits some learning styles.
I love Facebook and texting so much because they allows me to communicate with my family and friends. When I need homework help, I can go online and ask someone who I know can help me. Also, it is about 832 times easier to talk to people when they aren’t staring at you.
Facebook and Myspace hinder the ability to convey a message because you cannot tell tone, or see body language from a written message. Quite often, especially when I’m tired, I mistake sarcasm for my friends being outright rude. This misinterpretation can start fights with people for no reason other then I couldn’t detect sarcasm through a computer screen.
My intended audience is my friends and family, but because of the internet, anyone technically can see Facebook. However, there are privacy settings saying that no one can see your Facebook if you don’t want them to see it.
Legally, it is okay to post anything on the web. The internet is commonly used as a way for communication and expression, so it makes sense to say, or more accurately, write, anything on the Web. However, there are some moral restrictions that hopefully can stop certain people from posting crude or politically incorrect propaganda on the internet. Realistically, there is always someone who is out to offend everyone. The good thing about the Web: you don’t have to read it. Or even better, they will get totally torn apart, and thusly give up and cower in defeat. (for a good reference, visit youtube, and read comment under anything having to do with Iraq.)
-Lisa Caponigri
Technology is an integral part of modern society, as it serves as the foundation of long distance communication and provides an effective and seemingly time-proof (as far as I know, information on the internet does not naturally decay like paper) way to store knowledge. Due to technology’s strong connection to modern society, it is important to reflect upon how our lives have changed (due to technology) every once in a while.
1. While I do possess a cell phone, I rarely use it. On average, I use my cell phone to call my family one or two times a month. As I never use it to call my friends, it has not had a significant impact on that aspect of communication. With family members, I only use a cell phone for communication if it is an emergency and if it (cell phone usage) is the best choice for the situation (which is basically never). An interesting fact to take note of is that there are only three people in total (excluding people at the cell phone company) who actually know my cell phone number, and all three are my direct relatives. Even I do not know my cell phone number (a fact I find both amusing and slightly pathetic).
2. In my use of the internet, I have never once uploaded a picture of myself. As for text, I only communicate using email for work/school related purposes. I do actually possess a Facebook account, a surprising fact to anyone who knows me, but I mainly just play games. I rarely express any form of individuality, but I sometimes have semi-interesting conversations with myself on Facebook (which is not as odd as it sounds). Overall, I do not really express individuality to a global community, but instead use the internet to focus my internal thoughts.
3. Being a very introverted person, I rarely utilize my ability to communicate at any time. While technology has made it much easier to communicate whenever necessary, I rarely find it necessary to have the ability to communicate at any given time. Other than giving me a small sense of security and giving me a back-up plan, the ability to communicate 24 hours a day has not really changed my life in a significant way.
4. Technology has had many positive and negative effects on my education, but the most major effect it has had is on my presentation of information. Due to the fact that computers can now be used to type reports and make presentations, it has become much easier to perform these tasks. However, this change in presentation style has also reduced my ability to present information without the aid of technology. My handwriting was once terrible, and when I started typing reports instead of writing them it became much easier for me to communicate my thoughts (I cannot effectively communicate information when it is too difficult to read my handwriting). The drawback was that once I needed to start hand-writing papers again, my papers looked even worse than when handwriting was “terrible.”
5. Modern day teachers constantly utilize technology to improve the learning of their students. My teachers use everything from PowerPoints and videos to online schedules and blogs in order to ensure that every student is learning in an effective way. As long as there is an educational value in the use of some type of tool, most teachers will utilize that tool.
6. Since I no longer possess a Myspace account (I found it to be an extremely boring place) and I do not ever text message, in this situation I can only talk about Facebook. The main reason why I use Facebook is not to communicate or express my individuality, but to play time consuming games. The main reason why I enjoy using Facebook is to play random games and use certain applications; I occasionally talk with other people though.
7. Since I rarely use Facebook to convey messages, I cannot say much about this subject. However, I have noticed that using Facebook allows one to communicate messages less effectively than with other methods. Due to the inability to maintain a conversation (every message is posted one-by-one, nobody can know when a response will be given), and the fact that one cannot know if anyone is actually on the other side of a conversation (people can be online while they are not actually near their computers), Facebook and similar programs have made communication much more difficult.
8. Due to the fact that nearly everyone can access information posted on the internet, when uploading information to the internet one has to be aware that the world is now the intended audience. Even if information is meant to be seen by a few individuals, it is possible that it will spread to other audiences. Therefore, any text placed on the internet can potentially have a larger audience than intended, and any text uploaded should be treated as a message to the global community.
9. When the subject of whether or not something is “ok” to do, it is important to remember different perspectives. There will always be one person who thinks that something is not “ok,” even if everyone else thinks that it is acceptable. If one believes in free speech, then they must accept that anything and everything should be tolerated, and that everything is “ok” to post on the internet. If one states that any one text is not “ok” to post on the internet, then at that point everything becomes inappropriate, and no text is “ok.”
10. Humanity requires communication to survive, and this fact serves as the main driving force behind the use of technology to create text. Due to our need to communicate with one another, we use technology to spread our information to as many or as few people as we desire. While every text created through technology has a different purpose, these purposes are all linked by the common exigency of a need to communicate our thoughts and feelings.
On a side note: while “writing” this comment, I have noticed that I am even more boring than I thought I was (which was already quite uninteresting). In this way, technology has allowed me learn about new aspects of myself and has given me the opportunity to reflect.
-Randolph Chua
Technology has changed drastically over the years. Cell phones make it easy to get in touch with anyone at anytime. No matter where you are, as long as you have reception, you can all anyone. Websites such as MySpace and facebook make it easy for you to make your own profile on the internet. This can be seen as good or bad. Nevertheless, it is very easy to get your views and feeling out for others to see. Cell Phones make it easy to contact anyone at anytime. This is good because if you are in trouble you can easily get help; but it can be annoying when your friends call you at two in the morning to say hi. Technology has also made its way into schools. Instead of writing papers for class, you simple type them. If you are absent and can not turn in an assignment, you can e-mail it to your teacher that day. Teachers also use the internet as a learning tool. Students can learn through online tutorials, a biographical website, or by watching an online video. I think teenagers like text messaging because it is a fast and easy way to get in touch with each other.
I think the big appeal with facebook and MySpace is the ability to post pictures and our thoughts for our friends to be able to see. It is very easy to write a note about something that is upsetting you and have other people read it. But these advantages take away the need for person to person interaction. When you post something on the internet, everyone with a computer can read what you’ve written. I don’t think many people think about it that way, but maybe more people should. When you post something on the internet you are inviting people who agree with you to justify your viewpoint. But at the same time you also invite people who disagree with you to respond. Although the internet gives us freedom of speech, there are certain implied rules of what is acceptable to post on the internet. For example, no one would post a blog about how they want to kill a national leader. There are certain things that should not be posted for the world to see. The internet brings us new ways of expressing ourselves, but we are responsible for using these tools wisely.
Dominique Beaupre
1. I think cell phones are a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. I think cell phones help me keep in touch with friends that I do not see as often. Cell phones are also an easy way to let your parents know where you are and what you are doing. Cell phones come in handy for emergencies that could potentially occur. By having a cell phone, I am able to talk to friends at whatever time I want and for how much ever time. Through my cell phone, I am able to plan activities and it is a convenient way to communicate with many people.
2. I express my individuality in the global community by the way I talk. By using slang or emphasis on words, people can tell the kind of mood I am in or the kind of person I am. I also use colors, font, size, and my screen name as a way to show what kind of things I am into. I also have email addresses that are based on things I like to do and my personality.
3. I would not say communicating is an ease due to restriction on the computer given by my parents. I would say having a way to communicate with someone helps me feel part of something and also enables me to share things with friends. I also have the chance to meet new people and reconnect with old friends. Given the opportunity to communicate with friends and family has been a gift given through time because as I grow older, my time on the phone and internet has increased.
4. Technology has helped my education because of all the resourceful ideas I can get. Technology has opened a new door of ease when needed. Technology has enhanced my education because of all the resources available. Technology has also hindered my education because of the amount of time spent on technology instead of education. Technology constantly becomes a distraction due to the various activities available.
5. I believe my teachers do leverage technology to help me because by giving us the opportunity to use the internet, we are given the chance to learn and enhance what we know of technology. I think teachers enhance our learning by giving us the internet to use because teachers put up quizzes and fun educational activities to help students to see examples or learn more about the material given in class. Also by putting our future homework assignments online, students are able to manage their time.
6. I do not have MySpace or text messaging but I have a Facebook. I think Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with friends. Also, Facebook helps to create invites to events that can easily be sent. Facebook has also enabled me to reconnect with old friends from places I used to live. I love Facebook because it’s an easier way to keep in touch with friends that you do not talk to on the phone or AIM. I can also upload pictures and leave wall to wall comments with my friends. I can also search for friends and chat with them on Facebook.
7. Facebook hinders the way I want to convey a message because Facebook does not allow you to express emotions. In certain situations, emotions come out differently then you wish which does not show the urgency. Facebook does not have different color or font applications that allow you to express yourself the way AIM does. Right now, Facebook is overpopulated which slows down the amount of time it takes to communicate on it which makes Facebook a hassle.
8. The World Wide Web impacts who we consider to be our intended audience in both a positive and negative way. The WWW is a positive impact because it allows our voice to be heard on situations that could impact different age types. Also, we are given the chance to debate over issues that different age groups have opinions on. The WWW has a negative effect when creating text because text could be offensive to people. When creating text and posting it on an online source, the text could have a negative effect on people because the context could be something that challenges something they believe in.
9. I think it is not ok to post anything on the WWW because certain topics written can go against a person’s morals. Also, the text could be harmful physically or mentally to a person by changing a perspective. Certain topics should remain private especially if the topic is not meant to be public.
10. Our role as American citizens affects our purpose and exigence when using technology to create text because humans are prone to want to communicate with one another. By giving citizens this role, we are able to share and convey our message by using technology.
-Cell phones make communicating with friends and family easy. Ever since I received a cell phone, the time I spend talking with people has drastically increased. Since cell phones are so convenient, I can talk with anyone at any time.
-There are many ways for people to express their individuality through the internet. Facebook and Myspace allow people to expose information about themselves to their friends, family, and even some strangers. Blogs provide a place for people to post their thoughts, questions, or ideas for other people to read and give feedback for. YouTube gives people the opportunity to put videos on the internet that may show some special talent they possess or just a random occurrence.
-The convenience of cell phones and being able to communicate twenty-four hours a day has changed my life. Whenever something urgent comes up, I can simply use my cell phone to call or text message anyone.
-Technology has both impacted my education both for better and for worse. By using the internet, I have access to any piece of information ever needed. Unfortunately, not all the information on the internet is true.
-My teachers do leverage technology to a certain extent. Most of my teachers use PowerPoints in order to assist them in their lessons. Also, teachers create quizzes online to help their students learn the material taught in class and to study for upcoming tests and quizzes.
-Facebook allows me to keep in touch with many of my friends who don’t live near me. It is convenient enough for both of us and it keeps our relationships strong. Text messaging allows us to have short conversations with others whenever needed. Usually, I do not have enough time to make an actual phone call so I simply send a text message to one of my friends and get an immediate answer.
-Programs like Facebook and Myspace mainly hinder a person’s ability to convey a message. Many times, when talking to others through one of these devices, abbreviations are used instead of actual words and full sentences, creating confusion. Also, the tone of the author cannot be determined by the audience through a three word sentence. The lack of tone may cause misinterpretations of the message the author wishes to portray.
-The World Wide Web allows anyone in the world to view a piece of information that someone else posted. Since anyone may receive the author’s message, the concept of “intended audience” diminishes. The purpose of an intended audience is to provide a certain group of people with a message that is meant for them and only them.
-Freedom of speech on the World Wide Web is allowed. If someone wants to post something on the internet for everyone else to have access to, it is their choice. There may be consequences for their actions, but it is only because of their own doing.
-The purpose of American citizens may be to strive for happiness and make the world a better place for everyone, not just ourselves. As citizens, we must reach out to others, whether in America or even in other countries, to try to create a more peaceful world. The internet provides us with websites, like Facebook, that allow us to communicate with others and form relationships and bonds. Sources like these bring people together and create a community that has a peaceful atmosphere.
Technology is necessary for the advancement of society. Without it, there would be no means of faster transportation, better communication, and scientific achievements. Technology has been incorporated into everything that we do on a daily basis. Our generation has become strongly dependent on the use of technology.
Cell phones have been almost necessary in order to live day to day. A cell phone can provide the “essentials” for a person’s day to day living. With a cell phone, people can text, talk to friends and family, listen to music, access their email, form a calendar, and go on yahoo or aol instant messenger. In today’s world, people love convenience and cell phones are the perfect examples of having everything you can possibly want. Also, it helps bring people closer together by communication. People are able to email, text, and call one another, which leads to stronger friendships and family relationships. With cell phones, I am able to talk to my best friends that do not live near by and I am more informed with what happens with my family.
With the internet it is easy for anyone to express their individuality. A person’s uniqueness can be determined by how they type. The type of font, font size, color of the words, use of punctuation, capitalization, indentation, spacing, and grammar can all portray a person’s individuality. Some people are very proper with their typing while others use several abbreviations. A person’s preference on the way that they type cannot be considered wrong or not proper since it presents a part of their individuality.
With the access of communication at any given time, it helps people feel safer. In a case of an emergency people are guaranteed to find some kind of telephone or cell phone. With this access to communication, it can help save a person from life or death. If a person is in an accident they can call for help if they are injured.
Technology has played a major role in education. Online textbooks, dictionaries, and reference books help a student learn faster. By having all this information at your fingertips it helps reduce the time of going to a library and searching for books. It is easier to compare facts by having multiple web pages up instead of having several books scattered across a table. Also, by having technology, it helps students write essays faster and with less grammatical errors since Microsoft can catch most of the misspelled words and fragment sentences.
Teachers can use technology to present different methods of teaching. The advantage of different types of teaching methods results into a greater percentage of the students understanding the information. Watching online demonstrations, power points, and projecting information off a sheet of paper helps view information in different ways.
Personally, I am not a big fan of Facebook and Myspace but I do like texting. Facebook, Myspace, and texting helps bring groups of people together. People are able to share ideas, pictures, and comments that help form new friendships and improve communication skills. By learning how to improve communication skills it helps people become less shy.
With Facebook and Myspace, it helps an individual get their opinions and ideas be heard. This helps a person say what they want to say and not be embarrassed. It is much easier for a person to spread their thoughts online since it travels faster and can be seen by everyone online. The disadvantage of this would be that a person can reword your ideas and make them harm the people around you by making rude comments.
When considering an intended audience for the World Wide Web the author must realize that everyone can see the information. Even if a group of people were not the intended audience, they would have the right to see what the information states. If, for example, someone is talking poorly about someone, they have to realize that that person can be reading that information and become offended.
I do not believe that it is alright to post anything on the internet since anyone can see it. If you post that you believe one way on a topic, they can use that information and twist it in order to turn it against you. Anything that is typed can easily be changed since it is not set in stone. Everyone should be cautious and think twice before they post something on the web.
With technology, people are able to believe new and different ideas, which lead them to have a stronger desire to write or do what they believe. With technology there are several different ideas about what will happen in the future, for example. This would then encourage a person to inform their audience of their perspective on their viewpoint.
1. Cell phones have not changed the way I communicate with my friends and family, they have just made it easier. Cell phones have made communication easier by allowing me to talk to people nearly whenever and wherever I am. I do not have to be face to face with a person nor do I have to be at home using the phone.
2. Some may think it is difficult to express your individuality over the internet because it is a global community. However, there are several ways to express individuality. Many of us have myspaces of facebooks. These are the best way to be an individual. They allow for profile customization to match our interests. They are like our own personal web pages that let us show everyone who we are. Anyone who views my facebook or myspace should get a feel of who I am because of the pictures I add and the things I say on it.
3. Easy communication has changed my life by, well, making communication easier. I am able to talk to whomever wherever and whenever. I also feel a greater sense of security. If I am ever in trouble, I know I can call a friend or parent. If I am ever in big trouble, I can always call the police.
4. Technology has helped my education in many ways. First, information is available almost infinitely on the internet, making research easy. Next, programs like Word allow me to type papers in a timely matter. However, technology provides problems as well. Everything on the internet is not reliable. Often times you have to consider the source and decide whether or not to believe the information given.
5. Teachers have used technology to improve education. Most teachers provide a schedule online to inform students of lesson plans and homework. This lets me be a more organized student. Also, many teachers provide online help in the form of quizzes or other practice material. Also, all teachers are available via email so I can get help whenever I want.
6. I like facebook and myspace because it is a great way to socialize. It lets me talk to friends and express my feelings and views through my profile. Texting is very useful because it is quick and easy. Also, it gives me more privacy because other people around me cannot see what I am texting, unlike a phone call.
7. Facebook helps me convey messages very easily. I can express what I feel through my status. I can publish quotes and photos that express my beliefs and interests. And of course, I can simply tell someone my message by telling them directly.
8. I think the internet affects who we consider to be our audience by making us be more careful and specific. Because nearly everyone has internet access, we must be careful about what we say so the wrong people do not see our text. We have to specify their text for the intended audiences, or leave out text for unintended audiences.
9. Technically, it is ok to post anything on the web. Many people post explicit videos or inappropriate content on the internet. This is contained, however, through censorship. Schools censor all content that they deem inappropriate for students. Also, parents have the option to block certain websites they are inappropriate for their children to view. So, even though it is acceptable to post anything on the web, it is also ok to censor things.
10. As citizens of humanity, our exigence when creating text through technology should always be to improve humanity. Our purpose then should be to raise awareness or help out a cause. For example we should inform people of global issues through our facebooks, blogs, etc. or research and try to find a way to help out, even if it is just in the community.
I'm just going to start off by saying that technology is most people's lives now, I see kids with their noses buried in their cell phones every minutes they get ( I should not really be talking)it's ridiculous. We honestly can’t live with out it.
Obviously cell phones have drastically changed the way I communicate, I don’t even talk on the phone to more than two people, and all I do is text message. I feel less connected to people in this way but it also creates easier opportunities to reach people. I'd consider this a win situation even though talking to your friends or family in person is less common. My mom even texts me when she wants me to come downstairs or something of that nature. Wow, I know.
Individuality in a global world is comical to me, I seriously just laughed. Backgrounds and funky font are what people consider “individual”. We all have pictures, an About Me, comments and inside jokes in our profile, just the same as everyone else. I don’t think there is such a thing as individuality in the global world.
Communication is a breeze now that facebook, myspace, and texting are available to most of the high school population. It honestly takes about thirty seconds to communicate with each other. Getting help on homework from classmates or even discussing English class is so much easier with facebook, Mo Khan (Shout out!) and I talk all the time about English.
Going back to facebook, I think technology can be looked at as both improving and hindering my education. Previously stated it is so much easier to communicate with other students and get help but it’s also a huge distraction and I know all of you can relate to this. I’ll be typing a prompt or something and then just have the urge to check facebook, it is horrible and I just did it right now (:]). The internet hinders my education more than it improves it.
Almost all of my teachers leverage technology to improve learning whether its throwing a book under the elmo or telling us to use the online text book so they don’t have to hand out text books. I Think technology encourages exerting less effort sometimes
I don’t love facebook and myspace their just a time killer or something I do when I just need a break from homework, but texting on the other hand is a different story. I think my kind of texting is improving my typing skills and my punctuation. I use quotations, commas, periods AND correct spelling when I text, that justifies my obsession in my eyes. Text improves my typing skills too because i have a keep board on my phone instead of the standard number letter thing that regular phones have so the typing skills are definitely a lot better to.
Pertaining to purpose myspace and facebook help to strengthen purpose, through Blogging and myspace bulletins and the fact that everything you do n facebook is seen by your “friends” people are able to say what ever they want when ever they want and can relay that message to everyone in a little amount of time. They both strengthen anyone ability to convey a message.
The web can impact an audience in both a positive and negative way. One’s text can be misinterpreted by an audience and therefore taken a bad way, or it can be seen in a more positive light than intended by the author. You can rarely tell an author intended mood on the web.
I personally believe that it is okay to post anything on the web but one has to remember the image they are portraying to others. If you want to post pictures or bulletins on the web that are inappropriate or suggestive one just has to remember what image they are creating for their audience and the opinion that that intended or not intended audience may have of them after reviewing that text.
I believe (pathos) that out role as American citizens affects our purpose and exigence when we right in the things we say and how freely we say them without regard to who or what they may effect. Especially on the web if anything people know that made up myspace and screen names are common where that people are not who we think they are. With this factor in mind I believe it drives people more to become increasingly more open authors when creating text because their true identity may never be known creating a kind of safety for the author almost.
Thank you all for your thoughts, participation, perspectives, and voices. I really enjoyed spending time in your classes discussing Technology and Rhetoric and how their marriage is creating the truth you will live in...
I am going to begin responding to your posts, as well as attempting to provide additional thoughts for open discussion.
Also, please use this post as a delineation of where we were before our in-class sessions and your discussion responses.
I am looking forward to being part of your classes again in the future. Please feel free to drop in on me as well in the Media Center if you wish!
Mr. Weidig
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