Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Candy

Hey E319 Students,

Did the appearance of your candy, from wrapper to last bite, influence your desire for it? Why or why not?

(Jay Mehta Approved)


At 11/01/2011, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When choosing what candy I want to eat out of all my Halloween candy, I think the rhetorical choices made my by the company heavily influence which one I choose. For instance yesterday night when digging through my Halloween candy the wrapper of the Reese's peanut butter cup caught my eye. It was bright and orange, standing out from the rest of the candy. It also brings me back to my childhood because peanut butter and chocolate are two things I enjoyed as a kid.I think what we have had in the past makes us want things more in the present. Reese's peanut butter cups are something that have been around for a whole and have a very original/traditional aspect to them. Because the candy caught my eye and it reminded me of my childhood trick or treating and eating candy, I chose the Reese's peanut butter cup.

-Saman Haque

At 11/02/2011, Blogger Mackenzee K said...

This year, unfortunately, I was unable to go Trick o’ Treating do to the large amount of homework I had. But in class, when Mr. Robin was handing out candy, I chose Swedish Fish. On the surface, my decision might have been in the fact that I very much dislike peanut butter and Sour Patch Kids. But when I think about it more, I realize that some of my most fond memories as a child revolved around gummy candy. It was always delicious and easy for me to handle as a child. Plus, the bright yellow packaging attracted my eyes and symbolized happiness to me. I also knew that the candy was tasty.
-Mac Kienitz


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