Hemingway's Ability
Would Nabokov consider Hemingway to be a "master" author/writer?
Why or why not?
Regardless of Nabokov,
do you consider Hemingway to be a "master" author/writer?
Why or why not?
Would Nabokov consider Hemingway to be a "master" author/writer?
What is Nabokov's ultimate goal in "Good Readers and Good Writers"?
The thought of this year excites me.
I could already see the brilliant minds and intricate thought processes that you all possess. I observe you gaining identities as juniors and embracing the scholarship that this year requests of you.
Please use this thread for all Star Power comments.
Perhaps you didn't get to particpate in class?
Maybe you want to continue the discussion?
Can make any more connections between the game and other elements of life?
Hello AP Students!