Final Catcher Thoughts
This post ought to be a big one...
You may comment on any question post chapter 5...
all the way until the end.
Some good ones include (I apologize in advance for the awkward lettering,
but I kept adding questions... be sure to post your question letter):
I. Why do you suppose HC tells Mrs. Morrow
that her son is great
(other than the fact that mothers in general love that)?
II. Judge the sincerity of HC’s regret after telling the Rudolf Schmidt lie.
Gauge it from 1-10. 10 being honest remorse.
Be sure to explain your rating.
III. HC mentions that he believes that Mrs. Morrow is aware that her son is, well…
NO GOOD. Why does he believe that?
How do you think Mrs. Caulfield views Holden? Why?
IV. “…they don’t just stay a rat while they’re a kid.
They stay a rat their whole life.” (pg. 57)
Is this true for the most part?
Comment on the dramatic irony in this statement
(see me for brief explanation of that term if necessary).
A. HC says he regrets the Rudolf Schmidt lie,
but then he lies again?!
(sniffle) I don’t understand him…
Please make sense of this for me. What is your reaction to all this?
Ch 12: How does Holden's persistance in discovering where the birds fly symbolize his cling to childhood?
Z: What does Holden's constant excused of not being "in the mood" to call Jane reveal about his ability to create relationships? Is change a necessary evil? Why or why not?
Y: How do Holden's actions and thoughts show his preference for innocence? E: What characteristics make an object/event unforgettable?
X: How is beauty subliminal?
W: How is Holden's inner struggle evident in his fluctuating feelings for Sally? Do you think that married life ties people down like Holden suggests?
V: Do you think the last two sentences, "Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody," is true?
U: Do you think Holden truly hated Pencey, or is he just trying to convince himself and others around him that he hated it so he does not have to regret being kicked out?
T: Is a house really a home if you no longer live there?