Friday, August 31, 2007

Nathaniel Hawthorne: Rhetorical Genius or Puritanical Madman?

What was Hawthorne's purpose for writing The Scarlet Letter?
Be sure to continue your logic and answer "why?"
of whatever you write.
How did he attempt to change/influence his audience?
What is his purpose/exigence?

Monday, August 27, 2007


What is Nabokov's ultimate goal in "Good Readers and Good Writers"?
What message/purpose is he trying to convey?

Any responses and/or any questions regarding this piece
should go in this thread.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


The thought of this year excites me. Junior Honors English (E308) is now AP English Language and Composition (E319). As I witnessed the Star Power game, I could already see the brilliant minds and intricate thought processes that you all possess. I observe you gaining identities as juniors and embracing the scholarship that this year requests of you.


If you have anything to add to our Star Power discussion,
you may add it to this thread.

BTW - Some of you made me LOL when I read the information cards.
Is this appropriate web lingo?
Is the internet destroying modern language? ...
changing it for the better?

Chime in right here.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Welcome to AP English Language and Composition!

Hello AP Students!

This blog is the electronic start to your junior year.
Last year's blog was a success, so I decided to keep it active.

All posts and comments prior to this one took place during the 2006-2007 school year.
Feel free to read them if you would like a glimpse into the student insights of E308 (Junior Honors English). Many of the comments you will read will seem like AP level comments.

They are.

Even though the course code was slightly different, my previous students exceeded my expectations with high-level critical thought and discourse. Their posts here may help you with ideas, engage you in discussion, and/or provide you with a more lucid background into our texts.

I will direct you to a handout on blogging in class, but please know that you may always voice your input regarding any topic that takes place in the posts, in the classroom, in the books, and in your head. Electronic participation can satisfy all participation requirements in my class.

I will post about our summer reading project soon.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at

Peace, Love, and Recycle.